I am generating jacoco report by using jacoco:report tag.
I am getting errors like :
[jacoco:report] Classes in bundle 'Code Coverage Report' do no match with execution data. For report generation the same class files must be used as at runtime.
[jacoco:report] Execution data for class xxxxx does not match.
[jacoco:report] Execution data for class yyyyy does not match.
The ant report target looks like :
<target name="report">
<file file="${jacocoexec.dir}/${jacocoexec.filename}"/>
<!-- the class files and optional source files ... -->
<structure name="Code Coverage Report">
<fileset file="./jar/abc.jar"/>
<fileset dir="./code/src"/>
<!-- to produce reports in different formats. -->
<html destdir="${jacoco.report.dir}"/>
The abc.jar
so generated is by using ./code/src
only. Then why is it giving such errors. Any idea?
You are getting the error related to classID. This is a concept described in detail at JaCoCo docs-site. http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/classids.html. This is a key step for supporting multiple versions of class (an appserver for example) in same JVM.
Copying part some part of it here for visibility.
What are class ids and how are they created?
Class ids are 64-bit integer values, for example 0x638e104737889183 in
hex notation. Their calculation is considered an implementation detail
of JaCoCo. Currently ids are created with a CRC64 checksum of the raw
class file.
What can cause different class ids?
Class ids are identical for the exact same class file only
(byte-by-byte). There is a couple of reasons why you might get
different class files. First compiling Java source files will result
in different class files if you use a different tool chain:
Different compiler vendor (e.g. Eclipse vs. Oracle JDK)
Different compiler versions
Different compiler settings (e.g. debug vs. non-debug)
Also post-processing class files (obfuscation, AspectJ, etc.) will typically change the class files. JaCoCo will work well if you simply use the same class files for runtime as well as for analysis. So the tool chain to create these class files does not matter.
Even if the class files on the file system are the same there is possible that classes seen by the JaCoCo runtime agent are different anyways. This typically happens when another Java agent is configured before the JaCoCo agent or special class loaders pre-process the class files. Typical candidates are:
- Mocking frameworks
- Application servers
- Persistence frameworks
The same page covers possible solutions.
What workarounds exist to deal with runtime-modified classes?
If classes get modified at runtime in your setup there are some workarounds to make JaCoCo work anyways:
- If you use another Java agent make sure the JaCoCo agent is specified at first in the command line. This way the JaCoCo agent should see the original class files.
- Specify the classdumpdir option of the JaCoCo agent and use the dumped classes at report generation. Note that only loaded classes will be dumped, i.e. classes not executed at all will not show-up in your report as not covered.
- Use offline instrumentation before you run your tests. This way classes get instrumented by JaCoCo before any runtime modification can take place. Note that in this case the report has to be generated with the original classes, not with instrumented ones.
Edited on 22-02-2017
How to use Offline Instrumentation:
Use below task provided by Daniel Atallah.
//Additional SourceSets can be added to the jacocoOfflineSourceSets as needed by
project.ext.jacocoOfflineSourceSets = [ 'main' ]
task doJacocoOfflineInstrumentation(dependsOn: [ classes, project.configurations.jacocoAnt ]) {
inputs.files classes.outputs.files
File outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'instrumentedClasses')
outputs.dir outputDir
doFirst {
resource: 'org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml',
classpath: project.configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath,
uri: 'jacoco'
def instrumented = false
jacocoOfflineSourceSets.each { sourceSetName ->
if (file(sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDir).exists()) {
def instrumentedClassedDir = "${outputDir}/${sourceSetName}"
ant.'jacoco:instrument'(destdir: instrumentedClassedDir) {
fileset(dir: sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDir, includes: '**/*.class')
//Replace the classes dir in the test classpath with the instrumented one
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath -= files(sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDir)
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += files(instrumentedClassedDir)
instrumented = true
if (instrumented) {
//Disable class verification based on https://github.com/jayway/powermock/issues/375
test.jvmArgs += '-noverify'
test.dependsOn doJacocoOfflineInstrumentation
Now generate report using "gradlew test jacocoTestReport"
JaCoCo needs the exact same class files for report generation that used at execution time. Due to different compilers and/or other tools modifying the classes, the classes might be different.