我修改样本CloudRecog代码为我自己的代码。 我创建的云数据库并获取AccessKeys然后复制这个键CloudReco.cpp文件。 我应该使用什么样的元数据。 我不明白这一点。 后来,当我阅读代码示例我看到这行:私有静态最后弦乐mServerURL =“ https://ar.qualcomm.at/samples/cloudreco/json/ ”。 如何让我的元数据网址?
Answer 1:
根据他们的文档( https://developer.vuforia.com/resources/dev-guide/cloud-targets ):
元数据传递给每当云RECO目标识别的应用程序。 它是由开发人员确定该元数据的内容 - Vuforia将其视为一个blob,只是将它传递给应用程序。 可上载的元数据的最大尺寸为150kByte。
"thumburl": "https://developer.vuforia.com/samples/cloudreco/thumbs/01_thumbnail.png",
"author": "Karina Borland",
"your price": "43.15",
"title": "Cloud Recognition in Vuforia",
"average rating": "4",
"# of ratings": "41",
"targetid": "a47d2ea6b762459bb0aed1ae9dbbe405",
"bookurl": "https://developer.vuforia.com/samples/cloudreco/book1.php",
"list price": "43.99"
Answer 2:
该Vuforia云识别服务支持新类型的零售和发布应用程序。 使用云识别的应用程序将可以查询与摄像机图像云数据库(实际承认发生在云中),然后处理从云返回执行本地检测和跟踪匹配的结果。
此外,每隔云图像目标可任选地具有相关联的元数据; 目标元数据本质上是没有别的比能够被关联到目标并填充自定义信息,只要该数据大小不长度不可超过了允许的限制(每个目标1MB)的数据的自定义用户定义的团块。
a simple text message that you want your app to display on the screen of your device when the target is detected, for example:
“Hello, I am your cloud image target XYZ, you have detected me :-) !”
a simple URL string (for instance “http://my_server/my_3d_models/my_model_01.obj”) pointing to a custom network location where you have stored some other content, like a 3D model, a video, an image, or any other custom data, so that for each different image target, your application may use such URL to download the specific content;
more in general, some custom string that your application is able to process and use to perform specific actions
a full 3D model (not just the URL pointing to a model on a server, but the model itself), for example the metadata itself could embed an .OBJ 3D model, provided that the size does not exceed the allowed limits (up to 1MB)
and more ...
元数据可以与你在你的云数据库创建目标本身时的图像目标上传; 或者还可以更新现有目标的元数据中,在稍后的时间; 在这两种情况下,你可以使用在线TargetManager,如下解释:
或者您也可以进行编程方式使用VWS API,如下解释:
该Vuforia SDK提供了一个专用的API来获取目标的元数据在您的移动应用程序。 当检测到目标云(识别),一个新的TargetSearchResult被报告给应用程序,并且可以使用这些方法中的一种获得的元数据:
Vuforia Native SDK - C++ API: TargetSearchResult::getMetaData() - const char*
Vuforia Native SDK - Java API: TargetSearchResult.getMetaData() - String
Vuforia Unity Extension - C# API: TargetSearchResult.Metadata - string
For a reference sample code in native Android, see the code in the Books.java in the "Books-2-x-y" sample project.
For a reference sample code in native iOS, see the code in the BooksEAGLView.mm file in the "Books-2-x-y" sample project.
For a reference sample code in Unity, see the CloudRecoEventHandler.cs script (attached to theCloudRecognition prefab) in the Books sample; in particular, the OnNewSearchResult method shows how to get a targetSearchResult object (from which you can then get the metadata, as shown in the example code).
Answer 3:
- 应用程序激活相机和识别的图像目标
- 然后,应用程序请求特定图像目标的元数据
- 在这种情况下,有问题的元数据是一个.txt文件,内容如下: http://www.link-to-a-specific-json-file.com/randomname.json
- 然后,应用程序请求具体以.json文件的内容
- 具体以.json文件看起来为pherris链接复制粘贴的文本数据
- 该应用程序使用从以.json文件文本数据填写示例应用程序的实际内容