
绑定类型T的左值表达式&&(binding a lvalue expression

2019-10-18 15:30发布

在过去的几天我一直在试图把握背后的左值/右值引用一个明显琐碎的原则。 让我们定义一个新的右值引用:

int&& x = 12;

x因此是类型的左值表达式int&& 。 因为x是一个左值,它可以被绑定到相同的类型,即,类型的左值参考的左值参考int&& 。 这样的左值参考将被定义为:

int&& & ref_x = x; // non-working code, just for the sake of explanation


int& ref_x = x;

C ++入门报告有关使用引用作为初始化如下:


在另一方面,左值参考必须的左值表达式的类型相匹配。 我在想什么? 是参考压扁涉案?


Answer 1:

No, x (as an expression) is an expression of type int. The type of the value of an expression is never a reference. In fact, x is also an lvalue, since it is a named thing.

Also, there are no references to references, for the same reason: References bind to values, and values are never references.

If you're ever confused, just keep telling yourself: The value of an expression is always an object type. Whether the value category of an expression is l or r only determines what sort of things the value can bind to; it has no effect on its type.

文章来源: binding a lvalue expression of type T&&