我运行的Python 2.7.5,用什么我将要描述的内置HTML解析器。
我试图完成的任务是,以HTML的块,它本质上是一个良方。 下面是一个例子。
html_chunk = "<h1>Miniature Potato Knishes</h1><p>Posted by bettyboop50 at recipegoldmine.com May 10, 2001</p><p>Makes about 42 miniature knishes</p><p>These are just yummy for your tummy!</p><p>3 cups mashed potatoes (about<br> 2 very large potatoes)<br>2 eggs, slightly beaten<br>1 large onion, diced<br>2 tablespoons margarine<br>1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)<br>1/8 teaspoon black pepper<br>3/8 cup Matzoh meal<br>1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 tablespoon water</p><p>Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.</p><p>Sauté diced onion in a small amount of butter or margarine until golden brown.</p><p>In medium bowl, combine mashed potatoes, sautéed onion, eggs, margarine, salt, pepper, and Matzoh meal.</p><p>Form mixture into small balls about the size of a walnut. Brush with egg yolk mixture and place on a well-greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until well browned.</p>"
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def list_to_string(list):
joined = ""
for item in list:
joined += str(item)
return joined
def get_ingredients(soup):
for p in soup.find_all('p'):
if p.find('br'):
return p
def get_instructions(p_list, ingredient_index):
instructions = []
instructions += p_list[ingredient_index+1:]
return instructions
def get_junk(p_list, ingredient_index):
junk = []
junk += p_list[:ingredient_index]
return junk
def get_serving(p_list):
for item in p_list:
item_str = str(item).lower()
if ("yield" or "make" or "serve" or "serving") in item_str:
yield_index = p_list.index(item)
del p_list[yield_index]
return item
def ingredients_count(ingredients):
ingredients_list = ingredients.find_all(text=True)
return len(ingredients_list)
def get_header(soup):
return soup.find('h1')
def html_chunk_splitter(soup):
ingredients = get_ingredients(soup)
if ingredients == None:
error = 1
header = ""
junk_string = ""
instructions_string = ""
serving = ""
count = ""
p_list = soup.find_all('p')
serving = get_serving(p_list)
ingredient_index = p_list.index(ingredients)
junk_list = get_junk(p_list, ingredient_index)
instructions_list = get_instructions(p_list, ingredient_index)
junk_string = list_to_string(junk_list)
instructions_string = list_to_string(instructions_list)
header = get_header(soup)
error = ""
count = ingredients_count(ingredients)
return (header, junk_string, ingredients, instructions_string,
serving, count, error)
,因为soup = BeautifulSoup(html_chunk)
导致炒变成绍塔©,这是一个问题,因为我有这样的html_chunk和我的食谱一个巨大的csv文件“M试图很好地结构中的所有这些,然后得到输出回数据库。 我试图检查它绍塔©出来,立刻使用这个HTML预览 ,它仍然出来为绍塔©。 我不知道该怎么办这个问题。
BeautifulSoup("Sacré bleu!")
# <html><head></head><body>Sacré bleu!</body></html>
# Sacré bleu!
我真的很感谢你的帮助。 谢谢。