I'm creating a meta box for my custom post type. There are multiple fields where I would like to use wysiwyg editor rather than <textarea>
. Is is possible to add multiple editors to a meta box?
I would really appreciate your help!
Many thanks.
Here is full code example:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', function() {
add_meta_box('html_myid_61_section', 'TITLEEEEE', 'my_output_function');
function my_output_function( $post ) {
$text= get_post_meta($post, 'SMTH_METANAME' , true );
wp_editor( htmlspecialchars_decode($text), 'mettaabox_ID', $settings = array('textarea_name'=>'MyInputNAME') );
add_action( 'save_post', function($post_id) {
if (!empty($_POST['MyInputNAME'])) {
$datta=htmlspecialchars($_POST['MyInputNAME']); //make sanitization more strict !!
update_post_meta($post_id, 'SMTH_METANAME', $datta );
P.S. MUST-Recommendation from my experience:
Forget adding custom codes, use Advanced Custom Fields, it's excellent and simplify your life.
http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_editor was by far the easiest method I found, built into Wordpress since 3.3 (so upgrade ;-) )
But you need to replace presentation with nl2br() function as textarea in custom templates have the toogle JS issue, that removes all your <P>
and <br/>
tags and therefore all line breaks.
You can use the wordpress default text editor in the metabox using
add_action( 'edit_page_form', 'my_second_editor' );
function my_second_editor() {
// get and set $content somehow...
wp_editor( $content, 'mysecondeditor' );
// for custom post type
function wo_second_editor($post) {
echo "<h3>Write here your text for the blue box on the right:</h3>";
$content = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wo_blue_box' , true ) ;
wp_editor( htmlspecialchars_decode($content), 'wo_blue_box', array("media_buttons" => false) );
add_action('edit_form_advanced', 'wo_second_editor');
function wo_save_postdata($post_id, $post, $update) {
if (!empty($_POST['wo_blue_box'])) {
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wo_blue_box', $data );
add_action('save_post', 'wo_save_postdata');
// Theme:
<div class="blue">
$content = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wo_blue_box' , true );
$content = htmlspecialchars_decode($content);
$content = wpautop( $content );
echo $content;
Try the custom field template plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-field-template/
First install TinyMCE Advanced plugin.
Second add "theEditor" class to your textarea like this
<textarea class="theEditor" name="custom_meta_box"></textarea>
Thats it
This did the trick for me:
It's basically creating your textarea with an id, then calling from js:
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, 'your_textarea_id');
Hope it helps!