Bold a single word within a sentence with iTextSha

2019-01-17 21:01发布


Is it possible to bold a single word within a sentence with iTextSharp? I am trying to bold several individual words without having to break the string into individual phrases.

I want to this type of out put

Eg:REASON(S) FOR CANCELLATION: See Statutory reason(s) designated by Code No(s) 1 on the reverse side hereof.

My actual output is below

Eg:REASON(S) FOR CANCELLATION: See Statutory reason(s) designated by Code No(s) 1 on the reverse side hereof.


    pdftb4 = new PdfPTable(1);
    pdftb4.WidthPercentage = 100;
    width = new float[1];
    width[0] = 0.7F;

  pdfcel4 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("\n REASON(S) FOR CANCELLATION: See Statutoryreason(s) designated by Code No(s) 1 on the reverse side hereof", docBlackFont10));
    pdfcel4.Border = 0;
    pdfcel4.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

somebody please help me


The way to accomplish what you are trying is with Chunks. A simple example is:

var normalFont = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12);
var boldFont = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 12);

var phrase = new Phrase();
phrase.Add(new Chunk("REASON(S) FOR CANCELLATION:", boldFont));
phrase.Add(new Chunk(" See Statutoryreason(s) designated by Code No(s) 1 on the reverse side hereof", normalFont));


Can also create font like

Font verdanaBold = FontFactory.GetFont("Verdana", 7f, Font.BOLD);


Maybe this link Bolding with Rich Text Values in iTextSharp will help?

Not sure if it fits your scenario completely but might get you where you need to go.

标签: c# itextsharp