$str = ' <fieldset> <label for="go-to">Go to: </label> '
. str_repeat(' ', 10000)
. '<input type="submit" value="Go" /> </fieldset> </form>';
</?(?![bisa]\b)(?!em\b)[^>]*> # starting tag, must not be one of several inline tags
(?:[^<]|</?(?:(?:[bisau]|em|strong|sup)\b)[^>]*>)* #allow text and some inline tags
@ix", $str, $matches);
上面是一个简化的版本,演示该问题的模式。 更完整的版本:
</?(?![bisa]\b)(?!em\b)[^>]*> # starting tag, must not be one of several inline tags
(?:[^<]|</?(?:(?:[bisau]|em|strong|sup)\b)[^>]*>)* # continue, allow text content and some inline tags
# normal sentence ending
[\?\!\.]+ # valid ending characters -- note elipses allowed
(?<!\b[ap]m\.)(?<!\b[ap]\.m\.)(?<!digg this\!)(?<!Stumble This\!) # disallow some false positives that we don't care about
(?:'|&\#0*34;|'|‘)?\s* # closing single quotes, in the unusual case like "he said: 'go away'".
(?:"|"|&\#0*34;|&\#x0*22;|”|&\#0*8221;|&\#x0*201D;|''|``|\xe2\x80\x9d|&\#0*148;|&\#x0*94;|\x94|\))?\s* # followed by any kind of close-quote char
(?=\<) # should be followed by a tag.
其目的是找到出现在什么看起来像一个有效的英语句子的结尾结束的HTML代码。 我发现,这种方法是在讲“内容”文本(如文章身体)和“布局”文本(即像导航元素)之间的差别非常好。 有时候,如果有白色的空间标签之间的大量它吹起来,但是。