如何获得SVN修订摇篮的Android?(How to get SVN revision in Gr

2019-10-18 06:05发布

我在资源领域(SVN版本)。 我怎样才能获得SVN版本通过使用摇篮我场,那不这样做,用我的双手?

Answer 1:

您可以修改下面的解决方案, 解释在这里 ,能打印出当前SVN版本。

// File: build.gradle
task svninfo << {
    new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
        def result = exec {
            executable = 'svn'
            args = ['info']
            standardOutput = os
        def outputAsString = os.toString()
        def matchLastChangedRev = outputAsString =~ /Last Changed Rev: (\d+)/
        println "Latest Changed Revision #: ${matchLastChangedRev[0][1]}"

// Example output for svn info:
// Path: .
// URL: http://svn.host/svn/project
// Repository Root: http://svn.host/svn/
// Repository UUID: 9de3ae54-a9c2-4644-a1a1-838cb992bc8e
// Revision: 33
// Node Kind: directory
// Schedule: normal
// Last Changed Author: mrhaki
// Last Changed Rev: 33
// Last Changed Date: 2010-09-03 14:25:41 +0200 (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)

Answer 2:


task svnversion {
  description 'Get SVN revision number.'
  new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
    def result = exec {
      executable = 'svnversion'
      standardOutput = os
    ext.revid = os.toString()


task printsvn(description: 'Demonstrate calling svnversion task.') {
  println 'Implementation-Build #' + svnversion.revid


$ gradle这个printsvn
实施 - 建造#3071



文章来源: How to get SVN revision in Gradle for Android?