快速,二维表视图(Fast, 2 Dimensional Table View)

2019-10-17 22:47发布

I'm implementing a view for displaying tabular information with 2 axis, but I'm starting to run into performance issues with rendering all the cells.

The view looks something like this:

|            |   12.00am   |   1.00am   |   2.00am   |   3.00am   |
| Category 1 |    x    |   x   |        x        |  x  | x |      |
| Category 2 |         |      x      |             x              |
| Category 3 |  |       x       |   x   |            x            |

Each x marks the center of a cell, or a piece of data in a category that's placed on the timeline. The cell will contain a single text label. When the cell is pressed, I need to know that it was pressed. The x axis will contain 24 markers, and there will be anywhere between 5 & 30 rows of data.

At the moment, I've implemented it using 3 main UIScrollViews; one across the top, one down the side, and then a large one for all the cells. When the large scrollview is scrolled, it updates the contentOffsets of the top and side scrollviews. This seems to work quite well, and it's quite intuitive.

The large scrollView has a number of row views, aligned with the headers in the sidebar on the left. The cells are then slotted into their respective row views, and shifted across the x axis to align relative to the time markers. The data cells do not necessarily line up precisely with the hourly time increments of the x axis.

I've encountered two problems:

  1. It seems to be really slow. In some of these tables, there can be up to 2500 cells. This implies I might need some kind of view re-use strategy.
  2. When two cells are next to each other there's a 2px border, but when it's a single cell on its' own there's a 1px border (The CALayer of each row and cell view has a 1px border drawn).

Some possible naïve solutions to the first problem:

  1. Create one large view for the data cells, throw it into the main UIScrollView and draw everything using Quartz (possibly in a background thread).
  2. Implement a view-reuse strategy and deal with having blank space when the user scrolls around quickly.

Does anyone have any high-level input on the best way to approach this problem? I've not dealt with large amounts of data/views before, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

Answer 1:

我创建了一种叫DTGridView(可作为一部分DTKit ),用于此确切目的(它是电子节目指南的应用在这里)。 因此,它可以让就像你你的图中所示的不同细胞的宽度。

DTGridView使用一个单一的UIScrollView并计算所需的位置。 它还实现了单元复用(以同样的方式,UITableView的一样)。 事实上,如果你知道如何使用一个表视图,然后DTGridView是非常相似的; 它使用一个数据源收集数据和意见,并提供委托方法(使用gridDelegate属性)来通知特定事件。


如果您需要任何帮助,给我留言。 我明白了包作为一个整体需要一些更好的文档化。 :)

文章来源: Fast, 2 Dimensional Table View