
自动填充场的SugarCRM(Autofill Field in SugarCRM)

2019-10-17 20:54发布

In Quotes module (SugarCRM Pro) i made one field region (drop down). When we select billing account name in quote name then address automatically fill up . I want that region field will automatically fill up as i have made same region in account module . I want it will automatically fetch the region from the account module as it fetch all the address.

Answer 1:


'displayParams'=>数组( 'field_to_name_array'=>数组( 'FIELDFROMACCOUNTS'=> 'FIELDTOPOPULATE', 'FIELDFROMACCOUNTS2'=> 'FIELDTOPOPULATE2'),),

与你的域替换全部大写的话,你应该准备好了。 请记住,涉及领域有用于IDS,并确保你正确填充它的隐藏字段。


文章来源: Autofill Field in SugarCRM
标签: sugarcrm