debugging and free tree sort in c ( linux)

2019-10-17 17:12发布


SO I just need to add a tree sort, but I have some error when run it, please help me to debug and add free binary function in free_btree(struct BTreeNode **node);
The description is in a picture, to run test tree sort using : ./sorting_program tree

This is my current output, the error

////////////////////// your_functions.h
//Students: Binary Tree structure that your functions will use to create a binary tree
struct BTreeNode
struct BTreeNode *leftchild;
struct BTreeNode *rightchild;
int data;
// Students: Add the required functions for tree sort here...
void inorder(struct BTreeNode *node, int *array);
void insert_element(struct BTreeNode **node, int element);
void tree_sort(int *array, int size);
void free_btree(struct BTreeNode **node);
void mergeSort(int *array_start, int *temp_array_start, int array_size);
void mergeSort_sort(int *array_start, int *temp_array_start, int left, int right);
void mergeSort_merge(int *array_start, int *temp_array_start, int left, int mid, int right);

///////////////////// your_functions.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "function.h"
void inorder(struct BTreeNode *node,int *array)
    //Recursive In-order traversal: leftchild, element, rightchild
    if ( node != NULL )
        inorder ( node -> leftchild, array) ;
        **array = node ->  data ;
        inorder ( node -> rightchild, array) ;
void insert_element(struct BTreeNode **node, int element)
    if ( *node == NULL )
        *node = malloc ( sizeof ( struct BTreeNode) ) ;
        ( *node ) -> leftchild = NULL ;
        ( *node ) -> data = element ;
        ( *node ) -> rightchild = NULL ;
        if ( element < ( *node ) -> data )
            insert_element ( &( ( *node ) -> leftchild ), element ) ;
            insert_element ( &( ( *node ) -> rightchild ), element ) ;
void free_btree(struct BTreeNode **node)
  // help me to add this

void tree_sort(int *array, int size)
//1. Construct the binary tree using elements in array
//2. Traverse the binary tree in-order and update the array
//3. Free the binary tree
    struct BTreeNode *bt = NULL;
    int i, *p = array;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
        insert_element ( &bt, array[i] ) ;
    inorder ( bt, &p) ;
    //deallocate tree
    return array;
///////////////////helper_functions.c (h)
void initArray(int *array_start, int array_size);
void bubbleSort(int *array_start, int array_size);
bool verifySort(int *array_start, int array_size);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "helper_functions.h"
// Initialize array with random numbers in range from 0 to RAND_MAX
// Arguments:
//  (1) Pointer to start of array
//  (2) Number of elements in array
// Return value: None
void initArray(int *array_start, int array_size)
  printf("Initializing %i elements in array...\n", array_size);

  for(int i=0; i<array_size; i++)
      array_start[i] = rand();


// Bubble sort algorithm
// Arguments:
//  (1) Pointer to start of array
//  (2) Number of elements in array
// Return value: None
void bubbleSort(int *array_start, int array_size)
  printf("Using bubble sort algorithm...\n");
  int temp;

  for (int i = (array_size - 1); i > 0; i--)
      for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
      if (array_start[j-1] > array_start[j])
          temp = array_start[j-1];
          array_start[j-1] = array_start[j];
          array_start[j] = temp;

// Test if array is sorted in ascending order
// Arguments:
//  (1) Pointer to start of array
//  (2) Number of elements in array
// Return value: True (if sorted), false otherwise
bool verifySort(int *array_start, int array_size)
  printf("Verifying array sorting...\n");
  if(array_size == 1)
    return true;  // Array with 1 element is always sorted
  else if(array_size <= 0)
    return false;  // Invalid array
      for(int i=1; i<array_size; i++)
      // Starting from element 1 (not 0), compare with preceeding
      if(array_start[i-1] > array_start[i])
        return false; // Found 1 example out of order - stop searching

      return true;
///////////////////////////////// sorting.c
// Compile this program:
//  unix>  make
// Run this program:
//  unix>  ./sorting_program bubble
//  unix>  ./sorting_program quick
//  unix>  ./sorting_program merge

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>   // Use bool as a datatype - requires newer C99 standard!
#include <string.h>    // For string comparison

#include "helper_functions.h"
#include "your_functions.h"

#define ARRAY_SIZE 100000

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int my_array[ARRAY_SIZE];
  int *temp_array = NULL;
  bool sorted = false;

  if( argc != 2)
      printf("Program usage: %s sortname\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

  // Fill array with random numbers
  initArray(my_array, ARRAY_SIZE);

  // Sort array by chosen algorithm
  if(strcmp(argv[1], "bubble") == 0)
    bubbleSort(my_array, ARRAY_SIZE);
  else if(strcmp(argv[1], "tree") == 0)
  else if(strcmp(argv[1], "merge") == 0)
      // Merge sort needs a second (temporary) array
      // Dynamically allocate this
      temp_array = calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(int));

      mergeSort(my_array, temp_array, ARRAY_SIZE);

      free(temp_array); // Release dynamic memory after use
      printf("Invalid sort algorithm. Must specifiy 'bubble',  'tree', or 'merge'\n");
      return 1;

  // Test if array is sorted correctly
  sorted = verifySort(my_array, ARRAY_SIZE);

    printf("Congrats! Array is sorted correctly\n");
    printf("*** Error: Array sort algorithm fails verification test ***\n");

  return 0;
//////////////////// Makefile
# The variable CC specifies which compiler will be used.
# (because different unix systems may use different compilers)

# The variable CFLAGS specifies compiler options
#   -c :    Only compile (don't link)
#   -Wall:  Enable all warnings about lazy / dangerous C programming 
#   -std=c99: Using newer C99 version of C programming language
CFLAGS=-c -Wall -std=c99

# All of the .h header files to use as dependencies
HEADERS=helper_functions.h your_functions.h

# All of the object files to produce as intermediary work
OBJECTS=sorting.o helper_functions.o your_functions.o

# The final program to build

# --------------------------------------------



%.o: %.c $(HEADERS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<

    rm -rf *.o $(EXECUTABLE)