从两个柱随机生成独特的组合的(random generation of unique combina

2019-10-17 17:25发布


pro1 lig1
pro2 lig2
pro3 lig3
pro4 lig1

二是列冗余。 我想这不应该匹配给定的组合,例如两倍大小的新的随机组合

pro1 lig2
pro1 lig4
pro2 lig1
pro2 lig3
pro3 lig4
pro3 lig2
pro4 lig2
pro4 lig3


Answer 1:


import random

def gen_random_data(inputfile):
    with open(inputfile, "r") as f:
        column_a, column_b = zip(*(line.strip().split() for line in f))

    for a, b in zip(column_a, column_b):
        r = random.sample(column_b, 2)
        while b in r: # resample if we hit a duplicate of the original pair
            r = random.sample(column_b, 2)

        yield a, r[0]
        yield a, r[1]

Answer 2:

c = """pro1 lig1
pro2 lig2
pro3 lig3
pro4 lig4"""
lines = c.split("\n")
set_a = set()
set_b = set()
for line in lines:
    left, right = line.split(" ")
    set_a |= set([left])
    set_b |= set([right])

import random
for left in sorted(list(set_a)):
    rights = random.sample(set_b, 2)
    for right in rights:
        print left, right


pro1 lig2
pro1 lig4
pro2 lig4
pro2 lig3
pro3 lig1
pro3 lig4
pro4 lig2
pro4 lig1

Answer 3:


from itertools import chain
import random
random.seed(12345) # Only for fixing output, remove in productive code

words = [x.split() for x in """pro1 lig1
pro2 lig2
pro3 lig3
pro4 lig4""".split("\n")]

col1 = [w1 for w1,w2 in words]
col2 = [w2 for w1,w2 in words]

col1tocol2 = dict(words)        

combinations = chain(*[
                    [(w1, w2) for w2 in 
                                lambda x: x != col1tocol2[w1], 
                            key=lambda x: random.random())
                    for w1 in col1])

for w1,w2 in combinations:
    print w1, w2


pro1 lig3
pro1 lig2
pro2 lig4
pro2 lig1
pro3 lig4
pro3 lig2
pro4 lig3
pro4 lig1


Answer 4:


col1 = ['pro1', 'pro2', ...]
col2 = ['lig1', 'lig2', ...]


from itertools import product
from random import sample

N = 100 #How many pairs to generate

randomPairs = sample(list(product(col1, col2)), N)


需要注意的是list(product(...))会产生N * M元素的列表,其中NM是在列的唯一项目的数量。 如果这会引起问题N * M最终成为一个非常大的数字。

文章来源: random generation of unique combination from two column