I know that MutationObservers callbacks may get called sometime after the DOM change. But the question is: What is the timing of these callbacks? Do the callbacks enter the event queue of the browsers? If so, when do they enter the queue?
Are the callbacks:
- called immediately after the DOM mutation take place,
- called as soon as the function that manipulate DOM finishes,
- called as soon as the call stack is empty,
- enqueued immediately after the DOM mutation take place,
- enqueued as soon as the function that manipulate DOM finishes, or
- at some other time?
For example, if the following piece of code is executed (with setZeroTimeout defined here):
var target = document.body;
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
}).observe(target, {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true
// Post message
setZeroTimeout(function () { console.log('message event'); });
// DOM mutation
target.setAttribute("data-test", "value");
Should "MutationObserver" be printed before "message event" or after it? Or is it implementation-defined?
I'm getting "MutationObserver" before "message event" on Chromium 26, though the DOM mutation is after message posting. Maybe this is indicating that MutationObserver callbacks are not using the event queue.
I have googled for HTML specification, DOM specification or browser implementation documents, but I didn't found anything related to this behavior.
Any explanation or documentation on the timing of MutationObservers callbacks please?