在Java中使用记忆化组合(Combinations using memoization in ja

2019-10-17 07:14发布


java Combination 5 3 



public static int choose(int n, int k) {   // chooses k elements out of n total
  if (n == 0 && k > 0)
      return 0;
  else if (k == 0 && n >= 0)
      return 1;
  else return choose(n - 1, k - 1) + choose(n - 1, k);


Answer 1:

你可能会使用更高效的配方会更好: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_coefficient#Multiplicative_formula


private static Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Long> cache = new HashMap<>(); // you'll need to implement pair

public static int choose(int n, int k) {
... // the base cases are the same as above.
} else if (cache.contains(new Pair<>(n, k)) {
    return cache.get(new Pair<>(n, k));
} else {
    Long a = cache.get(new Pair<>(n - 1, k - 1));
    if (a == null) { a = choose(n - 1, k - 1); }
    Long b = cache.get(new Pair<>(n - 1, k));
    if (b == null) { b = choose(n - 1, k); }

    cache.put(new Pair<>(n, k), a + b);
    return a + b;

文章来源: Combinations using memoization in java