商店阵列[,]在用户设置(Store array[,] in user settings)

2019-10-17 02:18发布

我的问题很简单。 你怎么能存储在程序的设置一个双阵列,并得到它出来。


string[,] user_credits = new string[user_credits_array, 10];
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 0] = user_name;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 1] = user_email;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 2] = user_acc_name;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 3] = user_acc_pass;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 4] = sSelectedClient;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 5] = server_inkomend;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 6] = server_uitgaand;
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 7] = server_port + "";
                    user_credits[new_user_id, 8] = ssl_state;

所以你可以看到,现在用的是用户的ID来存储信息一起我。 而且我保存它是这样的:

Properties.Settings.Default.user_credits = user_credits;

我这样做对吗? 现在在用户设置阵列仍?


我知道这听起来很疯狂,但我认为这是最好的方式。 但是,如果你们知道一个更好的方式,告诉我。 一世



string[,] user_credits = new string[user_credits_array, 10];
user_credits[new_user_id, 0] = user_name;
user_credits[new_user_id, 1] = user_email;
user_credits[new_user_id, 2] = user_acc_name;
user_credits[new_user_id, 3] = user_acc_pass;
user_credits[new_user_id, 4] = sSelectedClient;
user_credits[new_user_id, 5] = server_inkomend;
user_credits[new_user_id, 6] = server_uitgaand;
user_credits[new_user_id, 7] = server_port + "";
user_credits[new_user_id, 8] = ssl_state;

MySettings settingsTest = new MySettings();
MySettings anotherTest = MySettings.Load(MySettings.GetDefaultPath());


<Complex name="Root" type="WeProgram_Mail.MySettings, WeProgram_Mail, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null">
    <Null name="user_credits" />

现在,我不明白为什么不保存的阵列。 因为我有这条线

public string[,] user_credits { get; set; }


Answer 1:

啊,我看这个问题。 当你在XML文件中看到,在MySettings实例数组(settingsTest)为空。 那是因为你补settingsTest对象之外的阵列和从来没有接触或初始化settingsTest.user_credits ...


MySettings settingsTest = new MySettings();
settingsTest.user_credits = new string[user_credits_array, 10];
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 0] = user_name;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 1] = user_email;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 2] = user_acc_name;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 3] = user_acc_pass;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 4] = sSelectedClient;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 5] = server_inkomend;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 6] = server_uitgaand;
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 7] = server_port + "";
settingsTest.user_credits[new_user_id, 8] = ssl_state;

MySettings anotherTest = MySettings.Load(MySettings.GetDefaultPath());

Answer 2:


var collection = new StringCollection {"<user_name>aaaa<user_name><user_email>asdfasd@asdfasd</user_email>"};
Properties.Settings.Default.MySetting = collection;


Answer 3:



编辑:实施例用于与SharpSerializer序列化。 有没有编译的代码,但应该罚款。 缺点:要存储的属性必须是公共...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Polenter.Serialization;

namespace Test
    public class MySettings
        // this is a property we want to serialize along with the settings class.
        // the serializer will automatically recognize it and serialize/deserialize it.
        public string[,] user_credits { get; set; }

        public static MySettings Load(string path)
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path)) throw new System.ArgumentException("File \"" + path + "\" does not exist.");
                MySettings result = null;
                // the serialization settings are just a needed standard object as long as you don't want to do something special.
                SharpSerializerXmlSettings settings = new SharpSerializerXmlSettings();
                // create the serializer.
                SharpSerializer serializer = new SharpSerializer(settings);
                // deserialize from File and receive an object containing our deserialized settings, that means: a MySettings Object with every public property in the state that they were saved in.
                result = (MySettings)serializer.Deserialize(path);
                // return deserialized settings.
                return result;
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Error in MySettings.LoadConfiguration():\r\nMessage:\r\n{0}\r\nStackTrace:\r\n{1}", err.Message, err.StackTrace), err);

        public void Save(string targetPath)
                // if the file isn't there, we can't deserialize.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
                    targetPath = GetDefaultPath();

                SharpSerializerXmlSettings settings = new SharpSerializerXmlSettings();
                SharpSerializer serializer = new SharpSerializer(settings);
                // create a serialized representation of our MySettings instance, and write it to a file.
                serializer.Serialize(this, targetPath);
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Error in MySettings.Save(string targetPath):\r\nMessage:\r\n{0}\r\nStackTrace:\r\n{1}", err.Message, err.StackTrace), err);

        public static string GetDefaultPath()
            string result = string.Empty;
                // Use Reflection to get the path of the Assembly MySettings is defined in.
                string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
                // remove the file:// prefix for local files, or file:/// for network/unc paths
                if (path.StartsWith("file:///"))
                    path = path.Remove(0, "file:///".Length);
                else if (path.StartsWith("file://"))
                    path = path.Remove(0, "file://".Length);
                // get the path without filename of the assembly
                path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                // append default filename "MySettings.xml" as default filename for the settings.
                return System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "MySettings.xml");
            catch (Exception err)
                 throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Error in MySettings.GetDefaultPath():\r\nMessage:\r\n{0}\r\nStackTrace:\r\n{1}", err.Message, err.StackTrace), err);

    public class Test
       public void Test()
          // create settings for testing
          MySettings settingsTest = new MySettings();
          // save settings to file. You could also pass a path created from a SaveFileDialog, or sth. similar.
          // Load settings. You could also pass a path created from an OpenFileDialog.
          MySettings anotherTest = MySettings.Load(MySettings.GetDefaultPath());
          // do stuff with the settings.

文章来源: Store array[,] in user settings