<span dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" url="..." jsId="listStore"></span>
<select id="unsubscribedList" class="soria" dojoType="dojox.form.CheckedMultiSelect"
multiple="true" onchange="..." store="listStore" title="title"></select>
{"items":[{"title":"ESC, MICHAEL (MESC)","value":"1000","label":"ESC, MICHAEL"},...}]
如何设置“ items.title
dojo.ready(function() {
// 1.7.2 template has 'dojoxCheckedMultiSelectHidden' className on its select from template.
// if this is different (inspect your DOM after onload), adapt the query selector
var opts = dojo.query('.dojoxCheckedMultiSelectHidden option'),
store = dijit.byId('listStore');
store.fetch({ onComplete: function(items) {
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if(!opts[i]) continue;
else opts[i].title = store.getValue(items[i], 'title');
- 迫使存储从服务器加载它的数据,返回项目阵列(
query: {id:'*'}
- 遍历他们,把标题上的选项。
相反,如果您选择通过标记部署你的选择,标题属性不想要这个小工具,只能作为配置参数是有效的,其被允许的标记映射。 换言之, 标题的属性将被丢弃 。 窗口小部件是相当差,一直没有更新,dojotoolkit的休息,所以它不是那么灵活。
当分析器运行在的标记,它忽略了title属性(您的标记被摧毁,由CheckedMultiSelect模板更换,见dojobase / DojoX中/表格/资源/ CheckedMultiSelect.html)。
所以,解决方案是 - 维护一个JS阵列,其中映射
// array with indexes matching the options from markup
var titles = [ "title1", "title2", "title3" ];
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
// note, that the '_0' is a generic ID, config options are not accepting the id attribute either
// calling private function, again not correctly layed out
var childObjects = dijit.byId('dojox_form_CheckedMultiSelect_0')._getChildren();
dojo.forEach(childObjects, function(optObject, index) {
optObject.labelNode.title = titles[index];
文章来源: Dojo. Set attribute from JSon as HTML attribute