使用PHP /或HTML用户选择使用fwrite另存为对话框(Save as dialog usin

2019-10-16 18:44发布

My doubt is how to open a dialog box(using html/php) to the user so that he can decide where the txt file (which will be created by the php fwrite) will be recorded and under what name.


he page will get checkboxes with values, and i want the user to be able to give a directory and a nameOfFile to the php script so that the file will be created in that directory with that name, but i want something like a dialog box to user indicate where he decides that

Answer 1:


我不知道在HTML / JavaScript的一个保存对话框的功能,其中用户可以选择一个目的地,然后将文件下载到该功能。

文章来源: Save as dialog using php/or html to fwrite in user choice