
任何理由不写我自己的HTML?(Any reason not to write my own HTM

2019-10-16 18:19发布

在海边,在所有这些renderContentOn:方法,我可以使用HTML Canvas对象来组装我的DOM树。

我写了一堆帮手对我的组件目前,因为我使用Twitter的引导的造型和不想写所有的样板代码( <div>小号带MAS)所有的时间。

对于这种方式是安装程序,对我来说最简单的方法是简单(我要避免使用with: aBlock这些佣工)写出来供包装的DIV像这样的HTML:

html html: '<div class="control-group">'.

有什么理由让我不这样做呢? 任何缺点?

Answer 1:

There are various advantages in using the HTML canvas:

  • The HTML canvas ensures valid tags, a valid tag structure, that all tags are properly closed (at compile time), and that contents is properly escaped.
  • The HTML canvas ensures valid attributes, that all attributes are properly closed, and that contents is properly escaped.
  • As a consequence of the above two the HTML canvas automatically avoids the possibility of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
  • The HTML canvas enables better reusability by enabling composition of tags (simple function calls), presenters (renderOn: in Objects), and components (renderContentOn: of components).
  • The HTML canvas avoids generating unnecessary whitespaces.
  • The use of HTML canvas enables one to use the standard tools the Smalltalk IDE provides on HTML code: senders, implementors, refactoring engine (extract to method, extract to component, inline method, automatic rewrite, ...), etc.

I agree that in some rare cases it is not worth to use HTML canvas: For example, when large static junks coming from an external source need to be embedded into a page.

Answer 2:


但是,您可能想看看Twitter的引导的海滨集成: http://twitterbootstrap.seasidehosting.st/

Answer 3:

要改写的卢卡斯的论点之一:它基本上是不干燥。 如果你使用它只有一次,是没有问题的。 如果你有使用这个多次,画布允许你使用所有的清洁重用功能的Smalltalk为您提供。

文章来源: Any reason not to write my own HTML?
标签: html seaside