问题`array`合奏创造新的命令(Problem creating new command in

2019-10-16 12:12发布

我想创建一个方便的命令array values arrayName的“侧空翻”到“数组名”命令。


proc array_values {arrayName} {
    upvar 1 $arrayName ary
    set values {}
    foreach {name value} [array get ary] {lappend values $value}
    return $values

array set a {foo bar baz qux}
puts [array_values a]           ;# => bar qux


  • 第一一些功课:

    1. array命名空间合奏? 是。

       % namespace ensemble exists array 1 
    2. 什么是命名空间?

       % namespace ensemble configure array -namespace ::tcl::array 
    3. 哪些子?

       % namespace ensemble configure array -subcommands % namespace ensemble configure array -map anymore ::tcl::array::anymore donesearch ::tcl::array::donesearch exists ::tcl::array::exists get ::tcl::array::get names ::tcl::array::names nextelement ::tcl::array::nextelement set ::tcl::array::set size ::tcl::array::size startsearch ::tcl::array::startsearch statistics ::tcl::array::statistics unset ::tcl::array::unset 

OK,一切很好,所以变种。 让我们添加array_values PROC到命名空间

% namespace eval ::tcl::array {
    proc values {arrayName} {
        upvar 1 $arrayName ary
        set values {}
        foreach {name value} [array get ary] {lappend values $value}
        return $values
% array set a {foo bar baz qux}
% puts [::tcl::array::values a]
can't set "values": variable is array

哪里是哪里来的这个错误? 我试图在proc到其他的名字重新命名的“值”的变量,但它仍然发出“变量数组”的错误。


% namespace ensemble config array -map [list values ::array_values {*}[namespace ensemble config array -map]]
% array values a
bar qux

但是,什么是错的我::tcl::array::values PROC?

Answer 1:

您的set values {}命令,在TCL :: ::阵列的命名空间执行,所以它运行:: TCL ::阵列:: set命令。 换句话说,它的等效array set values {} 因此,它使值没有成员的数组。 然后lappend values $value因为是值在该点的数组命令失败。

该解决方案应该是使用::set values {}


proc array_values {arrayName} {
    upvar 1 $arrayName ary
    return [lmap {name value} [get ary] {string cat $value}]

Answer 2:


proc arrayValues {arrayName} {
    upvar 1 $arrayName ary
    set values {}
    foreach {name value} [array get ary] {lappend values $value}
    return $values

# implant "arrayValues" into [array] ensemble as "values"
namespace ensemble configure ::array -map \
    [dict replace [namespace ensemble configure ::array -map] \
     values [namespace which arrayValues]]


Answer 3:


$ HOME / TCL / lib目录/ monkeypatches / monkeypatches.tcl

# a set of useful additions to built-in ensembles

package provide monkeypatches 0.1

namespace eval ::monkeypatches {
    # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/wrapping+commands
    proc append_subcommand {cmd subcmd procname} {
        set map [namespace ensemble configure $cmd -map]
        dict set map $subcmd [namespace which $procname]
        namespace ensemble configure $cmd -map $map

    # array foreach
    # to be subsumed by https://core.tcl.tk/tips/doc/trunk/tip/421.md
    # example:
    #   array set A {foo bar baz qux}
    #   array foreach {key val} A {puts "name=$key, value=$val"}
    proc array_foreach {vars arrayName body} {
        if {[llength $vars] != 2} {
            error {array foreach: "vars" must be a 2 element list}
        lassign $vars keyVar valueVar

        # Using the complicated `upvar 1 $arrayName $arrayName` so that any
        # error messages propagate up with the user's array name
        upvar 1 $arrayName $arrayName \
                $keyVar    key \
                $valueVar  value

        set sid [array startsearch $arrayName]
        # If the array is modified while a search is ongoing, the searchID will
        # be invalidated: wrap the commands that use $sid in a try block.
        try {
            while {[array anymore $arrayName $sid]} {
                set key [array nextelement $arrayName $sid]
                set value [set "${arrayName}($key)"]
                uplevel 1 $body
            array donesearch $arrayName $sid
        } trap {TCL LOOKUP ARRAYSEARCH} {"" e} {
            return -options $e "detected attempt to modify the array while iterating"
    append_subcommand ::array foreach array_foreach

    # array values arrayName
    # https://stackoverflow.com/q/53379995/7552
    # example:
    #   array set x {foo bar baz qux}
    #   array get x             ;# => foo bar baz qux
    #   array names x           ;# => foo baz
    #   array values x          ;# => bar qux
    proc array_values {arrayName} {
        upvar 1 $arrayName ary
        set values [list]
        array foreach {name value} ary {lappend values $value}
        return $values
    append_subcommand ::array values array_values

    # info formalargs procName
    # https://core.tcl.tk/tips/doc/trunk/tip/65.md
    # example:
    #   proc test {one {two 2} {three {3 4 5}} args} {return}
    #   info args test          ;# => one two three args
    #   info formalargs test    ;# => one {two 2} {three {3 4 5}} args
    proc info_formalargs {procname} {
        # [info args] throws an error if $procname is not a procedure.
        return [lmap arg [info args $procname] {
            set has_d [info default $procname $arg value]
            if {$has_d} then {list $arg $value} else {set arg}
    append_subcommand ::info formalargs info_formalargs


和$ HOME / .tclshrc

set lib_dir [file join $env(HOME) tcl lib]
if {$lib_dir ni $auto_path} {lappend auto_path $lib_dir}
unset lib_dir
package require monkeypatches

文章来源: Problem creating new command in `array` ensemble
标签: tcl