
PHP open gzipped XML

2019-01-17 18:11发布


I am struggling to read gzipped xml files in php.

I did succeed in reading normal xml files, using XMLReader() like this:

$xml = new XMLReader();

However, this does not work when the xml file is gzipped. How can I unzip the file and read it with the XMLReader?


As you didn't specify a PHP version, I am going to assume you are using PHP5.

I am wondering why people haven't suggested using the built in PHP compression streams API.

$linkToXmlFile = "compress.zlib:///path/to/xml/file.gz";
$xml = new XMLReader();

From what I understand, under the covers, it will transparently decompress the file for you and allow you to read it as if were a plain xml file. Now, that may be a gross understatement.


Maybe the function gzdecode could help you : the manual says (quote) :

Decodes a gzip compressed string

So, you'd have to :

  • download the XML data
  • get it as a string
  • decompress it with gzdecode
  • work on it with XMLReader

That would depend on the right extension (zlib I guess) beeing installed on your server, though...

Mark: Expanding on Pascal's post, here is some example code that should work for you

$xmlfile = fopen($linkToXmlFile,'rb');
$compressedXml = fread($xmlfile, filesize($linkToXmlFile));
$uncompressedXml = gzdecode($compressedXml); 

$xml = new XMLReader();


Expanding on Pascal's post, here is some example code that should work for you

$xmlfile = fopen($linkToXmlFile,'rb');
$compressedXml = fread($xmlfile, filesize($linkToXmlFile));
$uncompressedXml = gzdecode($compressedXml); 

$xml = new XMLReader();