I want a YouTube player that just has play, pause, and close as options. Maybe full screen would be fine. No recommended videos, more videos, etc.
I want to share YouTube videos through Google Classroom. I don't want them to be able to click any link that re-directs them back to the YouTube watch page.
Google Classroom only allows you to search for videos using its interface OR provide a watch link / url. I'm trying to use a workaround using an embed code on a Google Site. If it's easy enough to do I might try to teach teachers how to create their own links. Or maybe I can make a custom embed code generator that I can share with them.
I've looked at YouTube embed API code, but cannot get anything to work. I assume it's just my small amount of knowledge about how to code it.
I know I want controls=0
and showinfo=0
at the least
I expected this to strip out the navigation bar, YouTube watermark, and Video Title. It didn't do any of them. When I remove all but one of the variables it does that variable. Again, apologies about my lack of understanding on the topic.