时间戳Python的输出文件(Python output file with timestamp)

2019-09-30 06:46发布


input_file  = open('DVBSNOOP/epg_slo_sort.txt', "r") # read
output_file = open('SORT/epg_slo_xml.txt', "w") # write 

for line in input_file:
    line = re.sub(r"\d{8}:|\d{7}:|\d{6}:|\d{5}:|\d{4}:","", line) # remove nubers from start line example --> 10072633: etc...
    line = line.replace("[=  --> refers to PMT program_number]","").replace("Service_ID:","Program") # remove =  --> refers to PMT program_number] and replace Service_ID to Program
    line = line.replace("0xdce","").replace("Start_time:","Start") # remove 0xdce and change Start_time to start
    line = line.replace("0x0","") # remove 0xdce 
    line = line.replace("event_name:","Title") # change to Title from event_name
    line = line.replace("Program: 14 (00e)","") # remove program 14 does not exist
    line = line.replace("-- Charset: ISO/IEC 8859  special table","") # remove -- Charset: ISO/IEC 8859  special table
    line = line.replace("-- Charset: ISO/IEC   special table","")# remove -- Charset: ISO/IEC   special table
    line = line.replace("[=","").replace("]","") # remove [=]
    line = line.replace("Duration:","Duration").replace("0x00","").replace("0x000","").replace("0x","")
    line = line.replace('"..',"").replace('"',"").replace(" . . .","").replace("-","") # remove ".."
    line = re.sub(r"Start: \d{2}|\d{4}|\d{3}|\d{7}\d{9}\d{6}","",line) # remove numbers after
    line = re.sub(r"Duration: \d{2}|\d{6}|\d{7}|d{5}\d{8}\d{4}|\d{3}|\d{9}","Duration",line) # remove numbers affter data
    line = re.sub(r"^//","",line) # remove / /
    line = re.sub(r"\([^)]*\)","",line) # remove brackets
    line = re.sub(r"Program 14","",line) # remove program 14
    output_file.write(line) # write to file


Answer 1:

为了产生一个时间戳使用的文件名strftime()从时间模块 ,以获得时间在必要的格式,并与你的文件名模式串连它:

import time
current_time = time.strftime("%m.%d.%y %H:%M", time.localtime())
output_name = 'SORT/epg_slo_xml%s.txt' % current_time
output_file = open(output_name, "w")

Answer 2:

这是你在找什么? 它返回到您指定包含所需时间信息的格式的字符串:

 import time
 timeString=time.strftime("%m,%d,%y,%H:%M:%S", tme)

现在,所有你需要的是对其进行格式化你想要的方式,并追加到文件名。 有办法做到这一点群众,一个很简陋,但有效的方法是:




但是这将在Python 2.7和更高版本的工作。 我不使用它(还),但我想的Python 3.X是相似的。

文章来源: Python output file with timestamp