我使用highcharter我的图表。 我有不同的课程,这是我需要绘制图表一样对所有。 我想有一个for循环在课程和我的绘制循环中这些图形。 问题在于它没有情节的环里的任何东西,它工作正常,从外循环。
for(i in unique(my_data$CourseID)){
courseData<-subset(my_data, my_data$CourseID== i)
#Course by Majer
byMajer <- table(courseData$MajerName)
#barplot(byMajer, main="Students by Majer", xlab="Majers")
byM <- aggregate(courseData$MajerName, by=list(courseData$MajerName), FUN=length)
hc <- highchart(debug = TRUE) %>%
hc_title(text = courseData$CourseName[1]) %>%
hc_chart(type = "column") %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = byM$Group.1) %>%
hc_add_series(data = byM$x)
#this is not working. it shows nothing.
#but if I try to have this, it works, I will use below variables outside the loop
assign(paste("hc",i,sep=""), hc)
#Below graphs showing in the output. I need to get rid of them and use the one inside the loop.
hc1; hc2; hc3; hc4; hc5; hc6; hc7; hc8; hc9; hc10; hc11; hc12; hc13; hc14; hc15; hc16; hc17; hc18