1 | A | 1
2 | B | 1
3 | C | 0
4 | D | 1
5 | E | 1
6 | F | 1
house_id| image
2 | img1.jpg
2 | img2.jpg
1 | img3.jpg
4 | img4.jpg
1 | img5.jpg
4 | img6.jpg
3 | img7.jpg
I want select all house_id from table1 where status =1 (descending) , select distinct image from table2, for each house_id of table1 .
Finally output show bellow :
6 | F |NULL
5 | E |NULL
4 | D |img4.jpg
2 | B |img1.jpg
1 | A |img3.jpg
please help me code with normal mysql or CI active record class method ..
try this out....(normal mysql)
SELECT t1.*,t2.image FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 on t1.house_id=t2.house_id
WHERE t1.status= 1 GROUP BY t1.house_id ORDER BY house_id desc
active record...
$this->db->from('table1'.' t1');
$this->db->join('table2'.' t2','t1.house_id=t2.house_id','left');