As of at least July 16, 2018 Numba has a fast matrix inverse. (You can see how they overload the standard NumPy inverse and other operations here.)
Here are the results of my benchmarking:
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg as sla
from scipy import linalg as nla
import numba
def gen_ex(d0):
x = np.random.randn(d0,d0)
return x.T + x
def inv_nla_jit(A):
return np.linalg.inv(A)
def inv_sla_jit(A):
return sla.inv(A)
For small matrices it is particularly fast:
ex1 = gen_ex(4)
%timeit inv_nla_jit(ex1) # NumPy + Numba
%timeit inv_sla_jit(ex1) # SciPy + Numba
%timeit nla.inv(ex1) # NumPy
%timeit sla.inv(ex1) # SciPy
2.54 µs ± 467 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
67.3 µs ± 9.18 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
63.5 µs ± 7.65 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
56.6 µs ± 5.03 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
Notice that the speedup only works for NumPy inverse, not SciPy (as expected).
Slightly larger matrix:
ex2 = gen_ex(40)
%timeit inv_nla_jit(ex2) # NumPy + Numba
%timeit inv_sla_jit(ex2) # SciPy + Numba
%timeit nla.inv(ex2) # NumPy
%timeit sla.inv(ex2) # SciPy
131 µs ± 12.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
278 µs ± 26.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
231 µs ± 24.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
189 µs ± 11.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
So there's still a speedup here but SciPy is catching up.
I used the formula from to write the function that does the inversion of a 4x4 matrix:
import numpy as np
def myInverse(A):
detA = np.linalg.det(A)
b00 = A[1,1]*A[2,2]*A[3,3] + A[1,2]*A[2,3]*A[3,1] + A[1,3]*A[2,1]*A[3,2] - A[1,1]*A[2,3]*A[3,2] - A[1,2]*A[2,1]*A[3,3] - A[1,3]*A[2,2]*A[3,1]
b01 = A[0,1]*A[2,3]*A[3,2] + A[0,2]*A[2,1]*A[3,3] + A[0,3]*A[2,2]*A[3,1] - A[0,1]*A[2,2]*A[3,3] - A[0,2]*A[2,3]*A[3,1] - A[0,3]*A[2,1]*A[3,2]
b02 = A[0,1]*A[1,2]*A[3,3] + A[0,2]*A[1,3]*A[3,1] + A[0,3]*A[1,1]*A[3,2] - A[0,1]*A[1,3]*A[3,2] - A[0,2]*A[1,1]*A[3,3] - A[0,3]*A[1,2]*A[3,1]
b03 = A[0,1]*A[1,3]*A[2,2] + A[0,2]*A[1,1]*A[2,3] + A[0,3]*A[1,2]*A[2,1] - A[0,1]*A[1,2]*A[2,3] - A[0,2]*A[1,3]*A[2,1] - A[0,3]*A[1,1]*A[2,2]
b10 = A[1,0]*A[2,3]*A[3,2] + A[1,2]*A[2,0]*A[3,3] + A[1,3]*A[2,2]*A[3,0] - A[1,0]*A[2,2]*A[3,3] - A[1,2]*A[2,3]*A[3,0] - A[1,3]*A[2,0]*A[3,2]
b11 = A[0,0]*A[2,2]*A[3,3] + A[0,2]*A[2,3]*A[3,0] + A[0,3]*A[2,0]*A[3,2] - A[0,0]*A[2,3]*A[3,2] - A[0,2]*A[2,0]*A[3,3] - A[0,3]*A[2,2]*A[3,0]
b12 = A[0,0]*A[1,3]*A[3,2] + A[0,2]*A[1,0]*A[3,3] + A[0,3]*A[1,2]*A[3,0] - A[0,0]*A[1,2]*A[3,3] - A[0,2]*A[1,3]*A[3,0] - A[0,3]*A[1,0]*A[3,2]
b13 = A[0,0]*A[1,2]*A[2,3] + A[0,2]*A[1,3]*A[2,0] + A[0,3]*A[1,0]*A[2,2] - A[0,0]*A[1,3]*A[2,2] - A[0,2]*A[1,0]*A[2,3] - A[0,3]*A[1,2]*A[2,0]
b20 = A[1,0]*A[2,1]*A[3,3] + A[1,1]*A[2,3]*A[3,0] + A[1,3]*A[2,0]*A[3,1] - A[1,0]*A[2,3]*A[3,1] - A[1,1]*A[2,0]*A[3,3] - A[1,3]*A[2,1]*A[3,0]
b21 = A[0,0]*A[2,3]*A[3,1] + A[0,1]*A[2,0]*A[3,3] + A[0,3]*A[2,1]*A[3,0] - A[0,0]*A[2,1]*A[3,3] - A[0,1]*A[2,3]*A[3,0] - A[0,3]*A[2,0]*A[3,1]
b22 = A[0,0]*A[1,1]*A[3,3] + A[0,1]*A[1,3]*A[3,0] + A[0,3]*A[1,0]*A[3,1] - A[0,0]*A[1,3]*A[3,1] - A[0,1]*A[1,0]*A[3,3] - A[0,3]*A[1,1]*A[3,0]
b23 = A[0,0]*A[1,3]*A[2,1] + A[0,1]*A[1,0]*A[2,3] + A[0,3]*A[1,1]*A[2,0] - A[0,0]*A[1,1]*A[2,3] - A[0,1]*A[1,3]*A[2,0] - A[0,3]*A[1,0]*A[2,1]
b30 = A[1,0]*A[2,2]*A[3,1] + A[1,1]*A[2,0]*A[3,2] + A[1,2]*A[2,1]*A[3,0] - A[1,0]*A[2,1]*A[3,2] - A[1,1]*A[2,2]*A[3,0] - A[1,2]*A[2,0]*A[3,1]
b31 = A[0,0]*A[2,1]*A[3,2] + A[0,1]*A[2,2]*A[3,0] + A[0,2]*A[2,0]*A[3,1] - A[0,0]*A[2,2]*A[3,1] - A[0,1]*A[2,0]*A[3,2] - A[0,2]*A[2,1]*A[3,0]
b32 = A[0,0]*A[1,2]*A[3,1] + A[0,1]*A[1,0]*A[3,2] + A[0,2]*A[1,1]*A[3,0] - A[0,0]*A[1,1]*A[3,2] - A[0,1]*A[1,2]*A[3,0] - A[0,2]*A[1,0]*A[3,1]
b33 = A[0,0]*A[1,1]*A[2,2] + A[0,1]*A[1,2]*A[2,0] + A[0,2]*A[1,0]*A[2,1] - A[0,0]*A[1,2]*A[2,1] - A[0,1]*A[1,0]*A[2,2] - A[0,2]*A[1,1]*A[2,0]
Ainv = np.array([[b00, b01, b02, b03], [b10, b11, b12, b13], [b20, b21, b22, b23], [b30, b31, b32, b33]]) / detA
return Ainv