

2019-09-29 04:44发布

我们刚刚移除了我们的建设杯和使用捆扎机&Minifier( https://github.com/madskristensen/BundlerMinifier )和编译器( https://github.com/madskristensen/WebCompiler )和两个bundleconfig.json和compilerconfig.json具有“开启构建束”和“启用汇编关于构建”打勾,但是当我建立或重建溶液中,产生无输出文件。 如果我用鼠标右键单击JSON的,要么“更新包”或“重新编译所有文件”手动,然后将文件生成的所有可爱jubbly。 我看过这些软件包将不会编译在构建由于引导,如果有相应的已经在解决CSS和JS输出文件将只在构建编译,但我可能读了错......理想我不想有含 在GIT的所有文件合并我的代码了时。 任何帮助将是非常有用的。 谢谢!

Answer 1:

我相信你需要定义你想建立的每个文件。 如吞下,它允许使用通配符它不是那样好。 如果你右击并选择对每个文件WebCompile选项应该加在我们遇到与在这个伟大的产品我们自己的斗争compilerconfig.json你的文章中,我们不能得到它来编译,捆绑,并缩小没有Visual Studio的。 我想在CI没有的Visual Studio 2015年运行它,只是微软构建工具2015年。

Answer 2:

I've been struggling with this problem all morning as my development environment uses a JS file to debug easier and my production uses a minified version which wasn't being updated on save or build.

I tried to use each and all three of BundlerMinifier, WebCompiler and WebEssentials all with VS2017. Less files were OK, JS wouldn't compile at all unless I did it manually (right click on file or change compilerconfig.json which updates all).

In the end, I used the Task Runner Explorer and used a binding to 'Before Build' for my JS file. Everything previously compiled on save and I've just noticed my minified edition is three months old, so obviously a problem with an extension or VS update somewhere. Because I'm a bit paranoid, I've bound the Less files too just in case and at least now it's automated.

文章来源: BundlerMinifier and WebCompiler does not output files on build