如何删除动态分配的数组元素?(How to remove elements from dynamic

2019-09-28 20:05发布


myRectangle lastRectanglesArray = new myRectangle[lastMaxLabel];


我一直在想,我可以通过这个数组循环,并得到一个能够满足我的条件,然后分配一个新的数组元素的数量。 但我怎么能“转让”这些“想”元素融入到我的新阵?


Answer 1:

myRectangle * lastRectanglesArray = new myRectangle[lastMaxLabel];
// initialize the entries in the lastRectanglesArray

// create a temporary array which contains info about each individual
// entry. namely, it only holds info about whether the entry should
// be kept, or deleted.
// we also use the 'entries' value, which is the number of entries
// in the new array
bool * entriesToKeep = new bool[lastMaxLabel];
int entries = 0;

// check each entry, and mark whether it should be kept or deleted
for (int i = 0; i != lastMaxLabel; ++i) {
    // check whether the entry should be kept or deleted...
    // here, i just put a function with signature like:
    // bool shouldKeepRectangle(const myRectangle &);
    entriesToKeep[i] = shouldKeepRectangle(lastRectanglesArray[i]);
    if (entriesToKeep[i]) ++entries;

// create a new array that will contain the entries that should be kept
myRectangle * rectanglesArray = new myRectangle[entries];

// assign the entries in the new array
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i != lastMaxLabel && j != entries; ++i) {
    if (entriesToKeep[i])
        rectanglesArray[j++] = lastRectanglesArray[i];

// free the memory held by the temp array
delete [] entriesToKeep;

// if the old array is not needed anymore, delete it
delete [] lastRectanglesArray;

// and here you have rectanglesArray, a brand new array that contains
// only the elements that you need.

Answer 2:


Answer 3:

你看像使用链表的完美情况。 然而,你将不得不废除与new myRectangle[lastMaxLabel]一部分,你就必须实现它作为您的PERT Insert()函数。



Answer 4:

我同意迈克尔知念 -使用std ::向量来代替。 你会避免很多其他潜在的问题这样。 如果你真的想使用动态数组,看这个问题: 删除数组元素和移位,其余的

Answer 5:




文章来源: How to remove elements from dynamically allocated array?