设计问题CompositeDataBoundControl(Designer problem wit

2019-09-28 17:47发布


SimpleTemplatedControl : CompositeDataBoundControl

    private ITemplate _itemTemplate;
    public ITemplate ItemTemplate
        get { return _itemTemplate; }// get
        set { _itemTemplate = value; }// set

    protected override int CreateChildControls(
        System.Collections.IEnumerable dataSource, 
        bool dataBinding)

当我把这个上一个WebForm我得到这样一个智能标签中,我可以选择一个DataSource控件 。 非常方便易。 但是,如果我这个属性添加到该类:



我想有可用相同的智能标签中就像一个GridView控件两个选项。 如何做到这一点?

Answer 1:

Which is the Designer type you're using? Normally it would be ControlDesigner but for the CompositeDataBoundControl you should use the DataBoundControlDesigner class to inherit your designer from.

Grz, Kris.

文章来源: Designer problem with CompositeDataBoundControl