如何PyMongo已知领域的指数未知领域?(How to index unknown fields

2019-09-28 17:09发布

我试图找到数以百万计的tweets的唯一词,也是我想保持每个单词出现在那里。 除此之外,我还对他们最初的分组的话。 下面是一个示例代码:

from pymongo import UpdateOne
# connect to db stuff
for word in words: # this is actually not the real loop I've used but it fits for this example
    # assume tweet_id's and position is calculated here
    initial = word[0]
    ret = {"tweet_id": tweet_id, "pos": (beg, end)} # additional information about word
    command = UpdateOne({"initial": initial}, {"$inc": {"count": 1}, "$push": {"words.%s" % word: ret}}, upsert=True)
    if len(commands) % 1000 == 0:
        db.tweet_words.bulk_write(commands, ordered=False)
        commands = []

然而,这是分析所有的鸣叫方式缓慢。 我猜测,我的出现问题,因为我不使用的索引words场。


    initial: "t"
    count: 3,
    words: {
        "the": [{"tweet_id": <some-tweet-id>, "pos": (2, 5)}, 
                {"tweet_id": <some-other-tweet-id>, "pos": (9, 12)}]
        "turkish": [{"tweet_id": <some-tweet-id>, "pos": (5, 11)}]


db.tweet_words.create_index([("words.$**", pymongo.TEXT)])


db.tweet_words.create_index([("words", pymongo.HASHED)])

像我有错误add index fails, too many indexes for twitter.tweet_wordskey too large to index 。 有没有办法使用索引来做到这一点? 还是应该改变我的方法的问题(也许重新设计DB)?

Answer 1:

要建立索引,你必须保持你的动态数据中的对象,而不是键的值。 所以,我建议你返工你的架构是这样的:

    initial: "t"
    count: 3,
    words: [
        {value: "the", tweets: [{"tweet_id": <some-tweet-id>, "pos": (2, 5)}, 
                                {"tweet_id": <some-other-tweet-id>, "pos": (9, 12)}]},
        {value: "turkish", tweets: [{"tweet_id": <some-tweet-id>, "pos": (5, 11)}]}


db.tweet_words.create_index([("words.value", pymongo.TEXT)])

文章来源: How to index unknown fields of a known field in PyMongo?