
有没有办法来限制1563令牌权威?(Is there a way to limit an Okta

2019-09-28 13:17发布


  1. 登录到您的开发者控制台
  2. 导航到API>令牌,然后点击创建令牌
  3. 给你的令牌名

奇妙的作品,但我想限制这种令牌的权限只影响特定的应用或仅执行某些操作 - 这可能吗?

Answer 1:

API Tokens share the same rights as the admin that created them.

If you wanted to create an API Token that had read-only access, for instance, you could follow these steps:

  1. Assign the Read Only admin role to a user (preferably a service account)
  2. Login as that user
  3. Create an API Token as usual

That API Token could now only be used for read only operations. An attempt at a write operation with that API Token would fail.

HTH! (full disclosure: I work for Okta)

文章来源: Is there a way to limit an Okta token authority?
标签: okta okta-api