I want to display this iframe
in my scala play view;
<iframe src="http://localhost:9020/index.html#/group/sectiona/sectionb">Loading...</iframe>
If I hard code this url, it works. But I want it to be dynamic. I tried;
<iframe src="http://localhost:9020/index.html#/group/{{ 'http:\//localhost:9020\/#\/group\/' + myclass.section + '\/' + myclassb.section }}/testtopic">Loading...</iframe>
<iframe src="http://localhost:9020/index.html#/group/{{myclass.section}}/sectionb">Loading...</iframe>
<iframe class="graphiframe" src="{{ 'http:\//hello' + myclass.section + 'world'}}" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden" height="100%" width="100%">Loading...</iframe>
<iframe class="graphiframe" src="{{ 'http://hello' + myclass.section + 'world'}}" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden" height="100%" width="100%">Loading...</iframe>
None of this works. in 4 and 5, when I inspected the element, the entire src is gone from iframe, and I got an iframe with error messages Action not found. For request 'GET /%7B%7B%20'http:///hello'%20+%20myclass.section%20+%20'world'%7D%7D'
and Action not found. For request 'GET /%7B%7B%20'http://hello'%20+%20myclass.section%20+%20'world'%7D%7D'
respectively. I have made changes in application.conf like play.filters.headers.frameOptions = null
. It use Play 2.4.0.
How can I fix this?