
add a custom function on angular $resource [duplic

2019-01-17 15:35发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Angular - extending $resource subobject with custom methods 4 answers

I have an angular resource that goes something like this

app.factory('User', function ($resource) {
    return $resource(
        '/api/user/:listCtrl:id/:docCtrl/', {
            id: '@id',
            listCtrl: '@listCtrl',
            docCtrl: '@docCtrl'
        }, {
            update: {
                method: 'PUT'
            current: {
                method: 'GET',
                params: {
                    listCtrl: 'current'
            nearby: {
                method: 'GET',
                params: {
                    docCtrl: 'nearby'
                isArray: true

now i want to have full name in the view, can i add a method so that when i do this

$scope.user = User().current();

instead of doing the following in html

<p>{{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}</p>

i do this

<p>{{ user.get_full_name }}</p>

is there a way to add this property to the $resource?


You can add it as a property using transformResponse, but might I suggest just adding a method to every object that returns the combined first and last name:

app.factory('User', function ($resource) {
    var User = $resource(
        '/api/user/:listCtrl:id/:docCtrl/', {
            id: '@id',
            listCtrl: '@listCtrl',
            docCtrl: '@docCtrl'
        }, {
            update: {
                method: 'PUT'
            current: {
                method: 'GET',
                params: {
                    listCtrl: 'current'
            nearby: {
                method: 'GET',
                params: {
                    docCtrl: 'nearby'
                isArray: true
    // add any methods here using prototype
    User.prototype.get_full_name = function() {
        return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name;
    return User;

Then use:

<p>{{ user.get_full_name() }}</p>

Any functions added using prototype will be added onto every object returned by your Service. It is a great way to add helper methods if you need to do complicated getting or setting of service properties.


after playing for a while with angular, I think a customer filter would be a much wiser approach, rather than adding a property on $resource.

here is how to do a filter

app.filter('getFullName', function () {
    return function (input) {
      if (input) {
        return input.first_name + ' ' + input.last_name;
      } else {
        return 'default';


I think you should look at transformResponse way.

Btw, what version of angularjs do you use?