我在与涡轮Prolog的一个问题,搜索2个节点之间的图表中的所有路径和最短路径。 我的问题是,以测试如果节点是在列表与否(构件的子句精确地)
1 ---- b ---- 3
--- | ---
--- | -----
a |5 d
--- | -----
--- | ---
2 --- | --- 4
-- c --
for example we have for b--->c
([b,c],5) , ([b,a,c],3) and ([b,d,c],7) : possible paths.
([b,a,c],3) : the shortest path.
list=Symbol *
distance(Symbol, Symbol)
path1(Symbol, Symbol, list, integer)
path(Symbol, Symbol,list, list, integer)
distance(Symbol, list, integer)
member(Symbol, list)
shortest(Symbol, Symbol, list, integer)
distance(a, b, 1).
distance(a, c, 2).
distance(b, d, 3).
distance(c, d, 4).
distance(b, c, 5).
distance(b, a, 1).
distance(c, a, 2).
distance(d, b, 3).
distance(d, c, 4).
distance(c, b, 5).
member(X, [X|T]).
member(X, [Y|T]) :- member(X, T).
absent(X, L) :-
member(X, L),
absent(_, _).
/* find all paths */
path1(X, Y, L, C) :- path(X, Y, L, I, C).
path(X, X, [X], I, C) :- absent(X, I).
path(X, Y, [X|R], I, C) :-
distance(X, Z, A),
absent(Z, I),
path(Z, Y, R, [X|I], C1),
C = C1 + A
/* to find the shortest path */
shortest(X, Y, L, C) :-
path(X, Y, L, C),
path(X, Y, L1, C1),
C < C1.