I come across one more difficulty while instantiate the fifo code to my top module. I want to store some set of data say "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF FPGA" from my serial port ( receiving subsystem) then i want to retrieve it back say when button on fpga board is pressed or FIFO is full. I have my fifo code and serial communication code written. Idea is data sent from keyboard ->receiving subsystem -> FIFO -> transmitting subsystem -> hyperterminal. I am at present using fifo of 8 bit wide and say 28 deep just to store some small data. Please help me in this regard how can I implement it.I have byte coming from receiver saved in register_save. fifo code
inst_bit8_recieve_unit : entity work.byte_recieve_8N1
port map ( ck => ck,
reset => reset,
new_byte_in_buffer => new_byte_in_buffer,
byte_read_from_buffer => byte_read_from_buffer,
recieve_buffer => register_save,
JA_2 => JA(2));
---------------------FIFO instantiate-------------------------------
inst_of_fifo_Recieve_unit : entity work.fifo
generic map (B => data_bits, W => fifo_width)
port map ( ck => ck,
reset => reset,
rd => rd_rx,
wr => wr_rx,
write_data => num_recieved,
read_data => num_recieved_fifo,
empty => empty_rx,
full => full_rx );
inst_bit8_transmit_unit : entity work.byte_transmit_8N1
port map ( ck => ck,
reset => reset,
send_byte_ready => send_byte_ready,
send_byte_done => send_byte_done ,
send_buffer => num_send,
proc_send5byte: process(ck, reset, state_byte5, send_byte_done, num_send, state_button_0, num_recieved_fifo, rd_rx)
if reset = '1' THEN
state_byte5 <= idle;
send_byte_ready <='0';
num_send <= "00000000" ;
if rising_edge(ck) then
case state_byte5 is
when idle => ---- in this, if btn(0) is high i.e pressed then only state_byte5 will go to next state
if state_button_0 = transit_pressed then
state_byte5 <= byte;
end if;
when byte =>
if (not empty_rx = '1') then
if send_byte_ready ='0' and send_byte_done = '0' then ----here if condition is satified the send_byte_ready will be set
send_byte_ready <='1'; --------- shows next byte is ready
num_send <= num_recieved_fifo;
rd_rx <='1';
end if;
end if;
if send_byte_ready = '1' and send_byte_done = '1' then --- during load state send_byte will be resets
send_byte_ready <='0';
rd_rx <= '0';
state_byte5 <= idle; ----------- go back to idle
end if;
--end if;
when others =>
state_byte5 <= idle; ------------- for other cases state state _byte5 will be in idle
send_byte_ready <= '0';
rd_rx <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
proc_recieving_byte : process (ck, reset, register_save, new_byte_in_buffer, full_rx, num_recieved, wr_rx)
if reset = '1' then
byte_read_from_buffer <= '0';
if rising_edge(ck) then
if full_rx = '0' then
if new_byte_in_buffer = '1' and byte_read_from_buffer = '0' then
byte_read_from_buffer <= '1';
wr_rx <= '1';
num_recieved(7 downto 0 ) <= register_save( 7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
if new_byte_in_buffer = '0' then
byte_read_from_buffer <= '0';
wr_rx <= '0';
end if;
--end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Just added the corrected code now which seems to be working. Problem araises when increase the depth of fifo. When depth>2 then every third byte is missing. Please help, why I am loosing data.