角没有找到一个上载的图像(angular does not find an uploaded ima

2019-09-26 14:43发布

The scenario is simple. Use a form to upload an image and if it is successfully uploaded, refresh a photogallery. I use angular6 and ng-carousel. All the system is locally set in my windows 10 laptop.

The form gets uploaded, the text data are saved on the database and the image is saved in a file in node 8.11.1. I save the image in the src/assets/images. I can see the changes and I get no errors while uploading.

But, after the upload, I try to use the URL of the new image to add it as the last image in the carousel and all I get is a 404 error. The URL is like http://localhost:4200/assets/images/unsplash.jpg The URL is valid, the image is there and all the other carousel images use the same URL. But, the new image has a 404 error. I have to recompile the angular app to see the image. Not just refresh the page, recompile the whole app.

I dont know how to fix this. I tried using a File object or the HTML5 FileReader API on the front end and not depend on creating a URL after image upload. But they dont have a URL and the ng-carousel needs a URL like /assets/images/img.jpg to work. In order to use some kind of URL, I also tried to get the temporary URL from node and return it back to the front-end, but since it is a temp folder URL, browser wont let me use it. I also tried to use createObjectURL but is not supported in all browsers. I also tried to perform a GET after the image is saved and get all the images names from the database, to loop them again and feed the carousel template once again. Nothing. Still a 404 error. I have to recompile the app.

What is happening? Is this a angular 6 issue? Security restriction? Please help me fix this, I dont know how to deal with it anymore.

Outline of code.

the form

<form *ngIf="pointPartsActive" [formGroup]="imageUpload" (ngSubmit)="imageUploadSubmitted($event.target)" >
  <input type="file"  (change)='imageChange($event)' #imageInput id="imageInput" name = 'imageInput'  accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif" formControlName="imageInput" > 
  <input type="text" formControlName="imageName" name='imageName' placeholder="name" >
  <button type="submit" >Submit</button>  

html carousel template, add custom html to also delete an image on the spot.

<ngb-carousel #carousel *ngIf="images" (slide)="onSlide($event)"> 
  <ng-template ngbSlide *ngFor="let im of images; let i = index"  id="{{im.id}}">
    <img src='../assets/images/{{im.name}}' >
    <div class='carousel-img-details'>
        <button type="button" (click)='deletepic(im.photoId)'>delete</button>   

form submit

    let formData = new FormData(form);
    let eb =null;
        if(event.type === HttpEventType.Response){     
          eb = event.body;              

after successful form submit, update the array that feeds the carousel. Its a simple array of json objects like [{'id':1,'name':'James'},{'id':2,'name':'Nolan'}] and feeds the carousel via ngFor.

    let slide = null;    
        'id': this.images.length,   
        'name': data.name    
     //get the id of the last slide and go there :          
     setTimeout(() => {
      slide = this.images[this.images.length-1].id;    
     this.images = this.images.slice(); //try to "refresh" array itself

The code logic in stackblitz


Answer 1:


对于活动的应用程序,你可能会想在一个文件服务器(用于。例如AWS S3在亚马逊AWS)保存图像,并链接到该文件存储在数据库中。


npm install http-server -g
http-server C:/link/to/a/folder/you/have/saved/the/images/in

然后,你必须将链接保存到文件中,无论是在一个数据库(DB)或客栈文本文件。 为此,我会建议你设置一个本地的MongoDB数据库 。 这可能需要一些时间让你进入,但它是很好的学习经验。 您可以使用https://mongoosejs.com/与节点应用程序进行通信。

然后,当你上传新的图片,从您的角度前端应用程序发送到后端节点/ Express应用程序,保存文件夹中的文件并保存在数据库中的链接。 与HTTPS服务器,你将能够访问图像马上(与SOM可能延迟)。 并与存储在数据库中的链接,你可以在数据库中的数据发送到一个HTTP前端时,你刷新你的应用程序获得的请求。


文章来源: angular does not find an uploaded image