获取动态的atexit析构函数链接错误定制工具集 - 诶矢量析构函数(Getting dynamic

2019-09-26 10:28发布

尝试编译针对VS2005 CRT与一个Visual Studio 2015年工具集时,我得到一个奇怪的链接错误。
该代码必须在VS2005 CRT编译正常与其它项目链接。


#include <string>

static  std::wstring thisWillFail[] = { L"test" };

更改VC ++包含目录和库目录:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\atlmfc\include
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\include

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\atlmfc\lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\Lib


1>StdAfx.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __stdcall `eh vector destructor iterator'(void *,unsigned int,unsigned int,void (__thiscall*)(void *))" (??_M@YGXPAXIIP6EX0@Z@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic atexit destructor for 'fasdfp''(void)" (??__Ffasdfp@@YAXXZ)

如果你设置了图书馆,包括路径到VS2010 CRT和Windows SDK同样会发生。

那么,为什么VS2015生成这些额外的功能? 而最重要的是我如何解决此问题?

Answer 1:

在VS2015发生了重大的CRT重构 。
正如这里提到 ,一个简单的解决办法是只添加实际执行。


#if defined __cplusplus_cli
#define CALEETYPE __clrcall
#define CALEETYPE __stdcall

#if defined __cplusplus_cli
#define CALLTYPE __clrcall 
#elif defined _M_IX86
#define CALLTYPE __thiscall
#define CALLTYPE __stdcall

void CALEETYPE __ArrayUnwind(
    void*       ptr,                // Pointer to array to destruct
    size_t      size,               // Size of each element (including padding)
    int         count,              // Number of elements in the array
    void(CALLTYPE *pDtor)(void*)    // The destructor to call

inline void CALEETYPE __ehvec_ctor(
    void*       ptr,                // Pointer to array to destruct
    size_t      size,               // Size of each element (including padding)
    //  int         count,              // Number of elements in the array
    size_t      count,              // Number of elements in the array
    void(CALLTYPE *pCtor)(void*),   // Constructor to call
    void(CALLTYPE *pDtor)(void*)    // Destructor to call should exception be thrown
    ) {
    size_t i = 0;      // Count of elements constructed
    int success = 0;

        // Construct the elements of the array
        for (; i < count; i++)
            ptr = (char*)ptr + size;
        success = 1;
        if (!success)
            __ArrayUnwind(ptr, size, (int)i, pDtor);

inline void CALEETYPE __ehvec_dtor(
    void*       ptr,                // Pointer to array to destruct
    size_t      size,               // Size of each element (including padding)
    //  int         count,              // Number of elements in the array
    size_t      count,              // Number of elements in the array
    void(CALLTYPE *pDtor)(void*)    // The destructor to call
    ) {
    _Analysis_assume_(count > 0);

    int success = 0;

    // Advance pointer past end of array
    ptr = (char*)ptr + size*count;

        // Destruct elements
        while (count-- > 0)
            ptr = (char*)ptr - size;
        success = 1;
        if (!success)
            __ArrayUnwind(ptr, size, (int)count, pDtor);

文章来源: Getting dynamic atexit destructor link error with custom toolset - eh vector destructor