I 12 0
I 9 1
I 26 0
I 25 2
B 26
P 0
R 25
So, what I need to do is read a file containing these characters/numbers and whenever I encounter a letter, I call a function to process whatever comes after the letter (aka the numbers).
For example:
When reading "I" I have to call the function to INSERT
a certain number in a certain level of a Skip List; or when reading B, I need to search for a specific number in the Skip List, etc.
Problem is I'm really bad at reading from a file, can you guys enlighten me?
You can do this with file operations in c,
i am just giving you hints,
FILE *pFilePtr; // file pointer(handle of file)
pFilePtr = fopen(argv[1],"r");
//define buffer to store data read line by line data
char buf[32]={0};
//Now you can run a while loop to read entire file
with fread() to get whole first line(until '\n')
if(NULL != fgets(buf,32,pFilePtr))
// perform string operation on buffer to extract letters and digits
// and according to that call functions you need
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
FILE *fptr;
char mystring[20];
int number;
fptr = fopen("Input.txt", "r");
while(fscanf(fptr , "%s %d", mystring, &number) != EOF) {
printf("%s %d\n", mystring, number);
if(strcmp(mystring, "I") == 0) {
printf("Implement the reqd function here\n");