I newbie in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I have a SQL query, which shows a time that had been spendeed on solving each request by every employee. Data base is Microsoft SQL Server on Windows Server 2008.
I want to find a number of requests that had been solved in a 6 hours and below in percentage terms and also a sum of all solved requests of every employee
below and above 6 hours.
This is my SQL query but while it works it produces an error:
Incorrect syntax near '>' Incorrect syntax near 'tmp_table.'
SQL Query:
SELECT id, fio, date_s, tline
, ( cast ( tline as int) > 6 ) as 'tv'
, count (distinct id) as 'cid'
FROM(SELECT id, fio, date_s
, dbo.get_work_time(date_s, date_f, '12345', '09:00', '18:00', '0')/60 AS 'tline'
FROM Zno_speed WHERE (date_f > @date)
) tmp_table
GROUP BY id, fio, date_s, tline, ( cast ( tline as int) > 6 )