fetch records dynamically without getter

2019-09-25 06:20发布


I am fetching records dynamically using struts2 framework. eg. ExamId 1 has 6 subject. ExamId 2 has 8 subject. ExamId 3 has 2 subject. etc. but the problem is i dont have getSubject1() setSubject1().....getSubjectN() setSubjectN()

[EDITED] Now issue is how should i retreive it wihtout setters and getters.I am using JQuery Jtable reference : http://www.simplecodestuffs.com/crud-operations-in-struts-2-using-jtable-jquery-plugin-via-ajax/

My Bean class

public class SubjectBean
 private int SubjectId;
 private String paperCode;
 int totalNumber;

 private Collection<Subject> subjectList;

 private int examId;
     //setters and getters of all

Subject class

public class Subject
 private int Id;
 private String subjectId;
 private int capacity;
  //setters and getters

action class.

class  CrudAction
 public String insert() throws IOException

    String examid =(String) httpSession.getAttribute("examId");
    Integer examId =Integer.parseInt(examid);

    Map<String, String[]> requestParams = request.getParameterMap();

    //inserting data using hibernate

     return "success";
 punlic String getAll()
       // how can i access?


You are ignoring fundamentals of both Struts2 and OGNL. And this is a perfect case of the XY problem.

The only things you need are the getter and the setter for the Collection/List, that obviously must be declared at class level, not method level, or it'll be destroyed once the method execution is over. Since in your case the Collection/List is inside another object, then that object must be declared at class level, and you will need getter/setter for it too:

class CrudAction {
    private SubjectBean sb;
    // getter and setter

Also use a List to have order and use the [] notation and the dot notation to specify it in page, with the help of IteratorStatus object

<s:iterator value="sb.subjectList" status="ctr">
    <s:property value="sb.subjectList[%{#ctr.index}].id" />
    <s:hidden    name="sb.subjectList[%{#ctr.index}].id" />
    <s:textfield name="sb.subjectList[%{#ctr.index}].subjectId" />
    <s:textfield name="sb.subjectList[%{#ctr.index}].capacity" type="number" />