1) How To Retrieve Data from Database ... Can I Use Buttons to show my Database or it should be A ListView ??
2) where to put the class of Cursor in my Android App. ??
1) How To Retrieve Data from Database ... Can I Use Buttons to show my Database or it should be A ListView ??
2) where to put the class of Cursor in my Android App. ??
You can refer to this link to know all about SQLite database.
I'm posting simple way of creating database(using SQLiteDatabase object), inserting values to it and retrieving data from it using Cursor:
Database Creation:
SQLiteDatabase db;
db = openOrCreateDatabase("dictionary", MODE_PRIVATE, null);
Table creation:
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS LIST(wlist varchar);");
Inserting values in table:
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO LIST VALUES('খবর');");
After completion of work close the database as:
Retrieving data using cursor:
db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("path to your database", null,0);
String q = "SELECT * FROM LIST where( wlist like '"+mComposing.toString()+"%')"+"ORDER BY wlist"; //your wanted query
Cursor c = db.rawQuery(q, null);
do {
//do whatever you like
} while (c.moveToNext());
Close cursor & database:
That's it, you can use these anywhere you want in your code segment.