I'm trying to pass id of user from one view to another and display profile details of respective id.But instead of displaying profile details i get error message "trying to get property of non-object.
Here is the first view
<td class="user-name"><a href="<?php echo site_url() . 'admin/users/members_details/' . $allusers->p_u_id; ?>"> <?php echo $allusers->comp_person_name ?></a> <span>Subscriber</span> </td>
controllers : members_details method
public function members_details () {
$data['udetails']= $this->user_model->user_details(array('u_id' => $this->uri->segment(4) , 'u_delete' => 1 ));
$this->layout->view("admin/members_details", $data);
user_details model
function user_details($where = '', $order = '', $select = '') {
if (!$select)
$select = array('users.u_id', 'users.u_email', 'u_status', 'u_group', 'user_profile.*', 'cities.*', 'country.*');
$joins = array(array('table' => 'user_profile', 'condition' => 'user_profile.p_u_id=users.u_id', 'jointype' => 'INNER'),
array('table' => 'cities', 'condition' => 'user_profile.comp_city=cities.id', 'jointype' => 'INNER'),
array('table' => 'country', 'condition' => 'user_profile.comp_country=country.id', 'jointype' => 'INNER'));
if ($order)
$this->db->order_by('u_id DESC');
return $this->get_joins('users', $where, $joins, $select);
members_details view
<a href="#" class="user-name">
<?php echo $udetails->comp_person_name ?>
<span class="user-status is-online"></span>
Now when i trying to display comp_person_name , i get above said error. Where i went wrong?