How to retrieve same column twice from one table w

2019-09-24 04:40发布


I am trying to retrieve a column twice from one table for ex:

select M.Event_Name as 'Male',
       F.Event_Name as 'Female' 
from   Table1 M, Table1 F
where  M.Gender = 'M'
       and F.Gender = 'F'
       and F.Country = 12
       and M.Country = 12

Table1 data

ID    Event_Name   Gender  Country
1     Cricket      M       12
2     FootBall     M       13
3     BasketBall   M       12
4     Hockey       M       12
5     Tennis       M       13
6     Volly Ball   M       13
7     Cricket      F       13
8     FootBall     F       13
9     BasketBall   F       12
10    Hockey       F       13
11    Tennis       F       12
12    Volly Ball   F       12

What I Got is :

Male           Female
Cricket        Tennis
Cricket        BasketBall
Cricket        Volly ball
BasketBall     Tennis
BasketBall     BasketBall
BasketBall     Volly ball
Hockey         Tennis
Hockey         BasketBall
Hockey         Volly ball


Male          Female
Cricket       Tennis
BasketBall    BasketBall
Hockey        Volly ball

Help me out.. Thanks


You should be able to use something like this which incorporates a PIVOT:

select M as Male, 
  F as Female
  select event_name, gender,
    row_number() over(partition by gender, country order by id) rn
  from yourtable
  where gender in ('M', 'F')
    and country = 12
) src
  for gender in (M, F)
) piv

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Or you can use an aggregate function with a CASE statement:

  max(case when gender = 'M' then event_name end) male,
  max(case when gender = 'F' then event_name end) female
  select event_name, gender,
      row_number() over(partition by gender, country order by id) rn
  from yourtable 
  where gender in ('M', 'F')
    and country = 12
) src
group by rn

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Both produce the same result:

|       MALE |     FEMALE |
|    Cricket | BasketBall |
| BasketBall |     Tennis |
|     Hockey | Volly Ball |