Good morning, I'm working on a jqGrid that have the multiselection active.
I need to limit the selection of the row only using the multisel box, not by clicking everywhere on the row.
Thats's because I need to do some action by clicking links on some cells and I won't alter the active multiselection.
I tried to set the multiboxonly property, but it's not what I need.
I didn't find anything else to customize this function of the grid.
You can control on which click the row will be selected with respect of your custom beforeSelectRow event handler. If the handler return true, the row will be selected. If you return false the row will be not selected.
The second parameter of beforeSelectRow
is event object, is the DOM element which was clicked. You can get the cell (<td>
) in which the click done with $('td')
. Then you can use $.jgrid.getCellIndex to get the index of the cell insido of the row. The index in the colModel
should point to the 'cb' column which contain the checkboxes. So the code could be the following:
beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) {
var $myGrid = $(this),
i = $.jgrid.getCellIndex($('td')[0]),
cm = $myGrid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
return (cm[i].name === 'cb');
The corresponding demo you can see here.
I would like to suggest easier solution:
beforeSelectRow: function(rowid, e) {
return $('input[type=checkbox]');
When multiselect is set to true, clicking anywhere on a row selects that row; when multiboxonly is also set to true, the multiselection is done only when the checkbox is clicked.
So the answer would be:
multiboxonly: true