I am using NetworkImageView
to show some covers downloaded from a remote URL and I successfully manage to cache and show them, but I want to let users set their own cover images if they want.
I tried to use setImageUrl
method with Uri.fromFile(mCoverFile).toString()
as arguments, but it doesn't work. Since it is a mix of remote and local images I can't switch to regular ImageView
s, so I was wondering if there's any way to enable loading of local images.
I am of course aware of the ImageView
's setImageBitmap
method, but NetworkImageView
automatically resizes the created Bitmap
and also prevents View
recycling in GridView
s and ListView
UPDATE: njzk2's answer did the trick. To autoresize the Bitmap according to your View
size, then just copy the ImageRequest.doParse
method from Volley's source.
uses ImageLoader
, which in turn uses an ImageCache
You can provide a custom ImageCache
with your images, provided you use the same mechanism for keys:
return new StringBuilder(url.length() + 12).append("#W").append(maxWidth)
is not tested before the actual request would be done, so no issue here.
Typically, your 'cache' could look like :
public class MyCache implements ImageLoader.ImageCache {
public Bitmap getBitmap(String key) {
if (key.contains("file://")) {
return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(key.substring(key.indexOf("file://") + 7));
} else {
// Here you can add an actual cache
return null;
public void putBitmap(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {
// Here you can add an actual cache
You use it like :
imageView.setImageUrl(Uri.fromFile(mCoverFile).toString(), new MyCache());
(This has not been actually tested and there may be some adjustments to do)
Thank you for your answer. I wrote some code based on your help.
usage: just use LocalImageCache.class as Cache. No more code to change.
private ImageLoader mLocalImageLoader;
mLocalImageLoader = new ImageLoader(mRequestQueue,
new LocalImageCache(mCtx));
NetworkImageView test = (NetworkImageView) findViewById(R.id.iv_test);
test.setImageUrl("/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Philm/2017_03_24_01_.png", MySingleton.getInstance(this.getApplicationContext()).getLocalImageLoader());
public class LocalImageCache extends LruCache<String, Bitmap> implements ImageLoader.ImageCache {
public LocalImageCache(int maxSize) {
public LocalImageCache(Context ctx) {
public Bitmap getBitmap(String key) {
key = key.substring(key.indexOf("/"));
Bitmap result = get(key);
Log.d("TAG", key);
if (result == null) {
Bitmap temp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(key);
put(key, temp);
return temp;
} else {
return result;
public void putBitmap(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {
// Here you can add an actual cache
// Never touch here
// 默认屏幕5倍的图片缓存
// Returns a cache size equal to approximately three screens worth of images.
public static int getCacheSize(Context ctx) {
final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = ctx.getResources().
final int screenWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
final int screenHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels;
// 4 bytes per pixel
final int screenBytes = screenWidth * screenHeight * 4;
return screenBytes * 5;
protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap value) {
return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight();
NetworkImageView extends ImageView. You should be able to use the same methods as a regular ImageView