
Angular JS - get selected text as ng model (withou

2019-09-23 04:22发布


In my code behind, I fill up a DropDownList as follows (using VB)

ddlCountries.DataSource = dt ' dt is DataTable with columns "CountryCode" and "CountryName"
ddlCountries.DataTextField = "CountryName"
ddlCountries.DataValueField = "CountryCode"
ddlCountries.Attributes.Add("ng-model", "CountryName")

Then client side, I have a select tag, which is filled with options from server side as below:

<select ng-model="CountryName">
    <option value="IN">India</option>
    <option value="US">United States</option>
    <option value="ML">Malaysia</option>
    <!-- and other 200+ records -->

I can't use ng-options here! Now, whenever I change the value from select, I get CountryName as IN, US, ML etc.. Moreover, I can't edit values of options because they're used in server side code.

Here I want CountryName as India, United States or Malaysia instead! What can I do?


What data is the server sending you?

Is it some array of objects like this?

var countries = [ 
    { name: 'India', code: 'IN'},
    { name: 'United States', code: 'US'},
    { name: 'Malaysia', code: 'ML'}

If yes, then you can easily use ng-options (even though you dont have to, its just better).

<select ng-model="CountryName"
    ng-options="c.code as c.name for c in countries">

Or in the case that you actually are working with server side generated html page and no javascript objects, then its a little bit tricker: (Supposing you can use JQuery):


<select id="countryNameSelect" ng-change="setCountryName()">
    <option value="IN">India</option>
    <option value="US">United States</option>
    <option value="ML">Malaysia</option>
    <!-- and other 200+ records -->


$scope.countryName = '';
$scope.setCountryName = function() {
  $scope.countryName = $("#countryNameSelect option:selected").html();


In PHP BackEnd array to Json Out: < ? php echo json_encode($arrayDemo); ? >

// Init Load
$(function () {
    'use strict';
        .module('ngjsapp', [])
        .controller('FormCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

            var myArraySelect = <?php echo json_encode($arrayDemo); ?>

            $scope.changeSenasaProvinciasId = function (id) {


Only HTML Stact + jQuery

// Option 1
$(function () {
    'use strict';
        .module('ngjsapp', [])
        .controller('FormCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

            $scope.changeSenasaProvinciasId = function () {
                console.log($("#mySelectID option:selected").text());


Only HTML Stact + jQuery BEST

// Option 2
$(function () {
    'use strict';
        .module('ngjsapp', [])
        .controller('FormCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

            var myArraySelect = $('#mySelectID option').each( function() { 
                    myArraySelect.push({$(this).val() : $(this).text() });

            $scope.changeSenasaProvinciasId = function (id) {
