在这个程序中,我已经编写的几个公式和一个公式我得到不一致的结果,尽管它每次运行相同的代码和投入。 有问题的功能是“WqFormula”。 在某些运行我得到正确的结果是0.041667和其他运行我得到0.000000。 我使用GCC 4.6.3在Ubuntu(64位)编译。 另一件事是我试图编译和使用GCC 4.4.6在PC上运行这一点,它给了我所有的公式完全不同的结果。 继承人的代码:
float PoFormula(float, float, int);
float LFormula(float, float, int);
float WFormula(float, float, int);
float LqFormula(float, float, int);
float WqFormula(float, float, int);
int main()
int n, m; //# of arrivals, # of service channels
float mu, lambda; //avg serviced, arrivals in time period
printf("lambda (l) = ");
scanf ("%f", &lambda);
printf("mu (m) = ");
scanf ("%f", &mu);
printf("m (M) = ");
scanf("%i", &m);
float test, test2, test3, test4, test5;
test = PoFormula(lambda, mu, m);
printf("PoFormula is %f\n", test);
test2 = LFormula(lambda, mu, m);
printf("LFormula is %f\n", test2);
test3 = WFormula(lambda, mu, m);
printf("WFormula is %f\n", test3);
test4 = LqFormula(lambda, mu, m);
printf("LqFormula is %f\n", test4);
test5 = WqFormula(lambda, mu, m);
printf("WqFormula is %f\n", test5);
float PoFormula(float lambda, float mu, int m)
float summation, factorial = 1;
int i, j;
for (i=0; i < (m); i++)
for (j=1; j < (i+1); j++) factorial *= j;
factorial = 1 / factorial;
factorial = factorial * pow ((lambda/mu), i);
summation += factorial;
factorial = 1;
for (j=1; j < (m+1); j++) factorial *= j;
factorial = 1 / factorial;
factorial = factorial * pow ((lambda/mu), m);
factorial = factorial * ((m*mu)/((m*mu) - lambda));
factorial += summation;
factorial = 1 / factorial;
return factorial;
float LFormula(float lambda, float mu, int m)
float factorial = 1, po;
int j;
po = PoFormula(lambda, mu, m);
for (j=1; j < (m); j++) factorial *= j;
factorial *= pow(((m*mu) - lambda), 2);
factorial = (((lambda*mu)*(pow((lambda/mu),m)))/factorial) * po;
factorial += (lambda/mu);
return factorial;
float WFormula(float lambda, float mu, int m)
float factorial = LFormula(lambda, mu, m);
factorial /= lambda;
return factorial;
float LqFormula(float lambda, float mu, int m)
float factorial = LFormula(lambda, mu, m);
factorial -= (lambda/mu);
return factorial;
float WqFormula(float lambda, float mu, int m)
float factorial = LqFormula(lambda, mu, m);
factorial /= lambda;
return factorial;