笨PHP - 在锚点加载视图(Codeigniter PHP - loading a view a

2019-09-22 18:04发布

I have a form at the bottom of a long page, if a user fills out the form but it doesn't validate the page is reloaded in the typical codeigniter fashion:


however because the form is way down at the bottom of the page I need the page to load down there like you do with HTML anchors. Does anyone know how to do this in codeigniter?

I can't use the codeigniter


function because it loses the object and the validation errors are gone. Other frameworks I've used like Yii you can call the redirect function like:


which solves the problem because you keep the object. I've tried using:


within the controller which works fine as a redirect but the validation errors are in another method which is where the current page is loaded from:


but when I use this it get stuck in a loop

Any ideas? I've seen this question a lot on the net but no clear answers. I'm researching using codeigniter "flash data" but think it's a bit overkill.


Answer 1:

我不能亲自担保这一点,但根据这个线索 ,如果你追加锚表单的action ,它会工作。


<?php echo form_open('controller/function#anchor'); ?>


<form method='post' action='controller/function#anchor'>

如果你是开放使用Javascript,你可以很容易地检测到$validation_failed变量和适当的滚动。 或者,甚至更好,使用AJAX。


Answer 2:

好了,就我理解你的问题,这是没有太大关系到后端(笨)。 你想在页面底部的形式是“哪些用户-看到,对网页加载”(因为你提到的锚)。


echo validation_errors('<div id="bottom_form_error">', '</div>');

使用jQuery的ScrollTo ,做:

$( function() { $('#bottom_form_error').ScrollTo(); } );

而且,用户将在页面的底部滚动到错误。 不要忘记,包括jQuery的了。






文章来源: Codeigniter PHP - loading a view at an anchor point