I would like to add a new column in my project, but a weird thing happened...
My code
dgv.datasource = datatable
The column index of test column should be the last index.
However, I found the column index is 0 and the original 0th index turns to 1
I am not sure what happened. Is there any factor could cause this problem?
property settings of datagridview is wrong?
It's simple , get the total column count first and then add the column at the end :
Dim col as New DataGridViewColumn
col.HeaderText = "abc"
dgv.Columns.Insert(dgv.ColumnCount, col)
If the above code doesn't help , try adding column to the IDataTable
itself :
datatable.Columns.Add("Header text", GetType(System.String)).SetOrdinal(datatable.Columns.Count)
Your code
dgv.datasource = datatable
seems to be working properly.
I guess you are re-filling the datagridview that's why the added column is in index 0.
try to add
dgv.DataSource = Nothing
you will notice that the added column "test","testHeader" will be in index 0.
setting again
dgv.datasource = datatable
will cause the added column to remain at index 0 while the datatable will be added to the succeeding columns.
There's a DataGridViewColumn.DisplayedIndex
property to control order of visible columns.
Keep in mind that DataGridView tracks theese values and update them for other columns in your grid. Chaning some of them to 0 will update all other columns to highter values.