How to get country code and currency code by IP-ad

2019-01-17 12:39发布


I am new in zend Framework. And i want to get currency code, country code by the ip-address.

Can i have any example url?.

Please Help me...

Thanks in advance.


You can use my service, the API to get the country code:

function get_country($ip) {
    return file_get_contents("{$ip}/country");

echo get_country(""); // => US

If you're interested in other details you could make a more generic function:

function ip_details($ip) {
    $json = file_get_contents("{$ip}");
    $details = json_decode($json);
    return $details;

$details = ip_details("");

echo $details->city;     // => Mountain View
echo $details->country;  // => US
echo $details->org;      // => AS15169 Google Inc.
echo $details->hostname; // =>

I've used the IP in these examples, but if you want details for the user's IP just pass in $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] instead. More details are available at

You can get a mapping of country codes to currency codes from and add that to your code. Here's a simple example:

function getCurrenyCode($country_code) {
    $currency_codes = array(
        'GB' => 'GBP',
        'FR' => 'EUR',
        'DE' => 'EUR',
        'IT' => 'EUR',

    if(isset($currency_codes[$country_code])) {
        return $curreny_codes[$country_code];

    return 'USD'; // Default to USD


Many-many thanks to jmathai , ToonMariner , experimentX for precious advice.

But i have got the simple solution

 public function getCountryIp()
    $currency = new Zend_Currency();
    $countryCode = $this->getCountryFromIP();
    $currencyCode = $currency->getCurrencyList($countryCode);
    $localCurrency = $this->currency('USD',$currencyCode[0],50);
    $var['currencyCode'] = $currencyCode[0];
    $var['currency'] = $localCurrency;
    return $var;

//use to convert currency

public function currency($from_Currency, $to_Currency, $amount)
        $amount = urlencode($amount);
        $from_Currency = urlencode($from_Currency);
        $to_Currency = urlencode($to_Currency);
        $url = "$amount$from_Currency=?$to_Currency";
        $ch = curl_init();
        $timeout = 0;
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1)");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
        $rawdata = curl_exec($ch);
        $data = explode('"', $rawdata);
        $data = explode(' ', $data['3']);
        $stripped = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9.\+]", "", $data['0']);//remove special char
        return round($stripped,3);
//        $var = $data['0'];
//        return $var;
//        return round($var, 8);

 //get ip-address and show country code

 public function getCountryFromIP()
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    $country = exec("whois $ip  | grep -i country"); // Run a local whois and get the result back
    //$country = strtolower($country); // Make all text lower case so we can use str_replace happily
    // Clean up the results as some whois results come back with odd results, this should cater for most issues
    $country = str_replace("country:", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("Country:", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("Country :", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("country :", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("network:country-code:", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("network:Country-Code:", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("Network:Country-Code:", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("network:organization-", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("network:organization-usa", "us", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("network:country-code;i:us", "us", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("eu#countryisreallysomewhereinafricanregion", "af", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace("countryunderunadministration", "", "$country");
    $country = str_replace(" ", "", "$country");

    return $country;


You should be able to use the MaxMind database for this.


Get detailed country code, currency, currency converter, currency symbol etc from"ip address here"


An example based on, which gives you the currency symbol and code directly from an IP address.

This answer uses a 'test' API Key that is very limited and only meant for testing a few calls. Signup for your own Free API Key and get up to 1500 requests daily for development.

The API also has 10 global endpoints each able to handle >10,000 calls per second!

$ip = '';
$details = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$ip}?api-key=test"));
echo $details->country_name;
echo $details->city;
echo $details->currency;
// PLN
echo $details->currency_symbol;
// zł


I created this service.


You will need something like geoip - there is another one I used recently which is subscription based (can't remeber its name at the mo).


Perhaps this one should also help

Also there's excellent question Good php API for extracting country code from IP? perhaps you can create a plugin for extracting the country code and currency code in zend framework.


(new Zend_Currency(null, 'GB'))->getShortName();

Returns string 'GBP'.


You can use for this task easily.