So i want to use Guice in Appengine with Cloud Endpoints to inject my services, or daos - pretty common I guess, but I found no tutorial for this.
Official Guice for Appengine documentation seems to be here:
When configuring Guice you set up the to intercept every request "/*". And at some point you must initialize the modules. Like the documentation says a good place to do that is a ServletContextListener.
One special kind of Module are ServletModules, that map request-Paths to Servlet-Classes, instead of doing this in the web.xml you can now do this programmatically.
Pretty straight forward up until here. But how do I configure Guice to also include the Endpoint-Classes?
Turns out there is a GuiceSystemServiceServletModule that handles exactly this.
public class GuiceSSSModule extends GuiceSystemServiceServletModule {
protected void configureServlets() {
Set<Class<?>> serviceClasses = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
this.serveGuiceSystemServiceServlet("/_ah/spi/*", serviceClasses);
Include this module in the Injector construction in your ServletContextListener:
public class MyGSCL extends GuiceServletContextListener {
protected Injector getInjector() {
return Guice.createInjector(new GuiceSSSModule(), new BaseModule());
and use this listener in your web.xml:
Also make sure to include the Guice filter in your web.xml:
<!-- GUICE -->
Your endpoints will be available under /_ah/api/... again and you can use @Inject in your endpoint classes.